Apparently, he won't stop until he's got the answer he's looking for (which is something that fits together nicely with his right-wing Hindu nationalist viewpoint).
aneeshm, you opened with a disclaimer about how you could be wrong. You then got all testy when some of us told you were way off base, and even quoted your disclaimer... and then you've spent pages and pages basically arguing with those of us who are telling you how things are in the West. We're not making this **** up - your basic assumption is largely wrong (or rather it just doesn't make any sense in regards to "the West"). We've told you over and over. You can either accept what you've been told and realize you cannot extrapolate this private school system in India to a treatise on how the West feels about non-public institutions, or you can ignore us and believe what you already believe. Your choice.
aneeshm, you opened with a disclaimer about how you could be wrong. You then got all testy when some of us told you were way off base, and even quoted your disclaimer... and then you've spent pages and pages basically arguing with those of us who are telling you how things are in the West. We're not making this **** up - your basic assumption is largely wrong (or rather it just doesn't make any sense in regards to "the West"). We've told you over and over. You can either accept what you've been told and realize you cannot extrapolate this private school system in India to a treatise on how the West feels about non-public institutions, or you can ignore us and believe what you already believe. Your choice.