Originally posted by Ned
If it is the number of lives who are snuffed out that is the criteria, why didn't Britain declare war on Stalin when he was killing millions?
If it is the number of lives who are snuffed out that is the criteria, why didn't Britain declare war on Stalin when he was killing millions?
Which millions are these ?
Could you be specific, just for once, do you think ?
You keep referring to millions of innocents killed in World War II supposedly because of the aggressive actions of France and Great Britain (oh, if only they'd let Nazi Germany keep Poland. I'm sure Hitler would have been just as nice to the people in those areas as he was to the Germans, Austrians, Czech and Slovaks and Jews who didn't like him...).
Any idea how many millions the Soviet Union lost in Hitler's attack on Russia ?
Between 18-20 million civilians.
You're the one who keeps bringing up the number of lives lost through World War II.
I'm the one who keeps asking you how many lives are worth not going to war against Hitler for.
You keep avoiding the question.
But, who appointed her policeman of Europe?
Nothing to do with Great Britain being the policeman of Europe.
Move on to something else, that record is long played out.