Originally posted by molly bloom
You also get the timing of the Balfour Declaration wrong.
November 2nd, 1917- not exactly 'the middle of the war', and hardly a ploy to bring Russia into a war which it had been involved in since 1914, or to somehow entice the United States- which had entered the war on 6th April 1917, after repeated diplomatic protests to Germany about its resumed policy of unrestricted U-boat warfare, slain American passengers and crew, sunken American shipping and German acts of sabotage on American soil.
You also get the timing of the Balfour Declaration wrong.
November 2nd, 1917- not exactly 'the middle of the war', and hardly a ploy to bring Russia into a war which it had been involved in since 1914, or to somehow entice the United States- which had entered the war on 6th April 1917, after repeated diplomatic protests to Germany about its resumed policy of unrestricted U-boat warfare, slain American passengers and crew, sunken American shipping and German acts of sabotage on American soil.
I have asked you before, and I will ask you again now, do you know who approached whom first and when?
Now, as to the specific intent, the site I linked on this was an Israeli site, IIRC. Since the purpose was to gain Jewish support in Russia and in the US for the allied effort, the timing of the original negotiations would likely be soon after the revolution in Russia in which the Czar abdicated and the democrats took over. Jewish opinion would have been important in any such government, which is why I think the Brits did the deal.