Originally posted by Arrian
Yes, but when one is discussing things (including Life, The Universe and Everything), one makes... statements.
Yes, but when one is discussing things (including Life, The Universe and Everything), one makes... statements.
If we're discussing the state of the economy or troop levels in Iraq or other such concrete, real life things, people cite sources and documents; they attempt to show the validity of their data.
But in debates about the nature of the universe, somehow, this requirement disappears. Anyone's opinion is valid and there is no need to back up what one says, no need to show proof of a premise.
This discrepancy confuses me greatly. Surely when making statements about the very nature of the universe it would be even more important to show that you're not just pulling **** out of your ass! But no, with metaphysics, if someone says something that sounds profound, we all nod our heads and say, "mmm," without actually asking for any proof.
Rufus says that eventually it all boils down to some platitude, some premise - and I don't disagree with that. But what I do disagree with is the method of valuing or judging one of these initial premises. If you start with nothing, nothing at all except a platitude, what valid tools are you left with to judge this platitude?
People use feelings, of course. How such a statement resonates in their mind, soul, whatever. The truthiness of it, even.
But I can't accept such evaluations. I think there can be only one valid premise to begin a discussion about the nature of good and evil, and only one valid tool to find this premise.