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Originally posted by Berzerker
yup, I'd need some context on that advice - like was that advice for the woman the next time he gets drunk and starts beating on her?
One night after one of these thumpings the crusty old veteran I was working with told Molly that if she would wait for Bubba to go to sleep and then take a baseball bat to him and give him a good beating and tell him that every time he beats her she would get even when he went to sleep.
I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio
There are several factors that do make Eureka more at risk for drug overdoses, but for God sake, a tiny city of 26,000 shouldn't have 18x the national average for drug overdoses. When it's that high, there is always more than one reason, but the numbers are so excessive that police actions must be considered.
Several things have changed in Eureka. The local ACLU has given out several cameras out to activists, drug busts include several other cities police, the CHP, and apparently NY public safety. All except the last group are apparently good news, as they don't end up in as many deadly incidents. I have heard too many nasty things about Guliani's cops, however, not to be concerned. Also, the moment a friend started filming a cop said "NO! We'll take the camera away!" What are they hiding?
The County's disfunction is becoming more obvious, not only is Humboldt near the top of the state in suicides, but there is yet another symptom: There have been 2 suicides outside of Mental Health in the last 4 months. I was a counslor there, and there was a definate lack of compassion there, one of the case managers was nicknamed "Dr. Laura" , she is so bad she'll even berate paranoids.
The good news: The Eureka City Council is very interested in hearing people's concerns, although they don't seem ready or desperate enough to make changes. There have been hints that Harpham's replacement will be named at the next meeting, on the 3rd Tuesday in Febuary.
Cops do push people too far and whether it's imaginary or real harrassment, riots have been known to break out, such as the Rodney King riots, or the Cincinati riots. I have been tagerted myself by the EPD soon after I started coming to city council meetings. When I was talking about renewable energy, notrhing happened, but as I talked about compassion for the poor, homeless and mentally ill the cops intitated some threatening traffic stops. This never happened to me before, and now that I now longer reside in Eureka, hopefully, it will never happen again.
As the EPD both terrorises homeless in their sleep (One nonviolent guy was woken up with a rifle pointed at him), and cruise the food kitchen to deter people from coming there (yeah, oerdin, I'll agree that addicts are dumb, but lack of proper food makes things worse.
I suspected that lack of sleep and malnition made things worse, I've seen drug addict live on Top Ramen, and a friend of mine knows a good deal about biochemistry. There is reason to think that police abuses exacerbate violence from meth users, both from a common sense and biochemical level: I did a little bit of reasearch with some input from him, and found out how C and B3 become deficent in addicts. Vitamins work by bonding with apoenzymes, to create a whole enzyme, which is how the body creates compounds for life. The garbage that is used to make meth, such as benzene, lighter fluid etc. , requires lots of B3 to correct, particularly if you're a malnourished addict. The part of the brain that needs B3 the most is the amagdala, the part that regualtes emotion. The EPD does some pretty enraging acts, like trying to entrap me into a resisting arrest charge because of a busted taillight, or when the officer who killed the second person had beaten him up two years earlier. So a meth user has already a compromised emotional control center, then the redneck cop acts in the most provokative way imaginable, trouble ensues.
One of the reasons nothing had been done until now, is because the city council are businesspeople who are there part time. many of the issues are zoning etc. The imput they get is from community members at meetings, voluteers and agency heads. The apparent solution to crime is either more cops or more rehab. Some rehab here is corrupt, much poorly planned, and much is "culturally insensitive", akin to having Oerdin lead an anti-drug group.
Fortunately, the city knows it's been doing things poorly, the mayor has asked me and lots of others for input. They seem to have done something really right, the prospective new chief emphases education, empathy, and inclusion.
Empathy from a cop? I actually did have a good experience with an EPD cop ONCE. I called him about a welfare check on a friend who was getting psychotic, because she'd been off her meds. The result I wanted was for her tto go to mental health the next morning. The cop knew her, and talked to AS A FRIEND, she agreed and did go in the next day.
The next chief might turn the EPD around, or after a year of dealing with these cavemen, might take off with his tail between his legs.
Eureka's main problems continue to be 1) a ****e local economy 2) putting up with drug addicts and losers who want to milk the system instead of contribute 3) Lack of education among the population. This combines to make the place ****e. Get a D.A. who will toss drug addicts and dealers in jail with a zero tolerance police, allot money to educate the losers who call that place home and make efforts to attract skilled workers, give tax subsidies and cash subsidies to encourage start ups hoping that a few start ups will become bell weathers for that city's wasted economy, and have police follow a "broken window" approach where they pursue every possible criminal act in order to discourage criminality. That's my approach and it has been proven to work.
Thank God Eureka's leaders seem more open minded than Oerdin. Humboldt's previous DA played tough on crime, he's largely seen as anything but, using that stand to hide corruption, as Mark Foley used his position to hide child molesting and J. Edgar Hooover and Roy Cohn used macho stances to hide homosexuality. If you ever get around to reading Serpico, Oerdin, you'll see how the drug blaws corrupt, and absolutel power corrupts absolutely, but you'd see that if you used the same logic you used on your posts on Iraq.
Humboldt's system is busting at the seams. I don't if Oerdin's "toughlove" ideas work anywhere outside of his mind, I can't forget the LA cop who pulled a gun on me after pulling me over without anything that seemed like probable cause. All I know is that LA is a cesspool and what I've seen.
Humboldt does have a lousy economy, and histrically authoritarian regimes break down when the economy fails. Before Hitler's assention, the Nazis and Communists in the Reichstag voted against soup Kitchens to ferment anger. Afterwards, the Nazis instituted them, and surpressed strikes by beheading labor leaders, and firing civil servants who dissented. This lead to Germans believing in Hitler's "economic miracle". No economic miracle exists in Eureka, continued police repression, will only lead to remakes of Cincinnatti or LA. It seems like Eureka will take a better path, the dialogue between leaders and peacemakers like me seems legit.
Things in Humboldt don't seem to follow Oerdin's fantasies. The Mental Health system has been far behind the times, following the repudiated "medical model" doesn't surprise me that, yet again, a community leader resigned over Mental Health's Neanderthal practices. The type of redneck attitude that has been running things, Harpham, mental Health etal. has created this fiasco.
Well Oerdin, you're right about Humboldt's economy Southern California has plenty of military contractors. Do you feel good that your prosperity comes from killing Iraqi babies?
Excepts from my letter
Biology is as much a science as physics, neigther one of you would deny the effects of walking off a cliff. What I present here may fall short of ironclad proof, but sufficent for you to contact the sources I will refer to, so that you have sufficent knowledge to pursue effective policies.
I wanted to have enough evidence, and further sources that you could examine, so that you'd could research it to the point where you can decide whether it's worth expending the political capital. Since the mayor's and 3 city council seats aren't up for a vote for 3 1/2 years, this is a policalitically expedient time to do it too. Even though I've left Humboldt, I will give you the best information I can, I've got friends in Eureka, including a few drug addicted, and the solutions I will give you will cost you a fraction of what youio're paying now for the garbage that's created the mess in Eureka - 14x the national OD rate, 4 police killings in 1 year, 2 suicides in front of Mental Health. In Arcata, the street people call pot "medicine", I believe they eventually end up so malnourshed, the pot, and psychiatric meds act as second rate food, in the beginning, and a Faustian bargain in the long run.
Noone in their right mind wants to get sick until they come up with about $100 for their fix. Ever been on edge because you drank coffee instead of eating a nourishing meal? That's a mild form of the malnutrition addicts feel.
I will stick mostly to B3 and C deficencies, as they are closely associated with drug and alcohol abuse. I'll be I have seen too many tweekers live on Ramen all month, with mental health asserting that housing is all important, not food. They have totally lost touch with reality, while those who use and make it to St. Vinnie's do much better. Having to listen to the brainwashing at the Mission is also a deterrent to eating dinner for some, If they were homeless, they'd have money for food the first week of the month, and be more likely to be hanging around St. Vincents.
When I was in Arcata, in '91/'92 and '06/'07, I've noticed how much crazier people have become. Surprising, I'd thought psych med would have made people saner. Then I started talking to people who had been on them for a long time. They told me that if they got off them, they'd be crazier than if they'd never started. I could see it might be reasonable with drug addicts, as a few binges might have made them more succeptable to mental illness in the interviening time, but how could that be true of a pure schizophrenic? Shouldn't an anti-psychotic drug give someone an awareness that would help people see reality better after the drug wore off? If someone is depressed and for 5 years does all the right things to help him/herself, sees friends, is active, eats right etc. , and after that, they stop, aren't they likely to be less depressed than if they never did the right things. Why would "doing the right thing" for schizophenics cause them to have more problems in the long run, while a natural cure for depression cause less problems in the long run, and why would "mental health professionals" allow it to continue?
Last question first: $$$$. They think no policy-maker would see through their scam. Pork first, no matter how inappropriate the program. Meds make the Mental Health system rich. The stress caused by the strictness of "the medical model" drives people either to meds or rebellion. This may be the most important idea I pass on to you, the delay has been because of hurdles in my own life, it may seem too easy to be true. Biology is as much a science as physics, neigther one of you would deny the effects of walking off a cliff, I now know that standing up to NIMBYism Nutrition, food, sleep, and the sense that "the system" is not going to indescrimantly attack the poor rank above housing.
I wanted to have enough evidence, and further sources that you could examine, so that you'd could research it to the point where you can decide whether it's worth expending the political capital. Since the mayor's and 3 city council seats aren't up for a vote for 3 1/2 years, this is a policalitically expedient time to do it too. Even though I've left Humboldt, I will give you the best information I can, I've got friends in Eureka, including a few drug addicted, and the solutions I will give you will cost you a fraction of what youio're paying now for the garbage that's created the mess in Eureka - 14x the national OD rate, 4 police killings in 1 year, 2 suicides in front of Mental Health.
Noone in their right mind wants to get sick until they come up with about $100 for their fix. Ever been on edge because you drank coffee instead of eating a nourishing meal? That's a mild form of the malnutrition addicts feel.
I will stick mostly to B3 and C deficencies, as they are closely associated with drug and alcohol abuse. I'll be I have seen too many tweekers live on Ramen all month, with mental health asserting that housing is all important, not food. They have totally lost touch with reality, while those who use and make it to St. Vinnie's do much better. Having to listen to the brainwashing at the Mission is also a deterrent to eating dinner for some, If they were homeless, they'd have money for food the first week of the month, and be more likely to be hanging around St. Vincents.
When I was in Arcata, in '91/'92 and '06/'07, I've noticed how much crazier people have become. Surprising, I'd thought psych med would have made people saner. Then I started talking to people who had been on them for a long time. They told me that if they got off them, they'd be crazier than if they'd never started. I could see it might be reasonable with drug addicts, as a few binges might have made them more succeptable to mental illness in the interviening time, but how could that be true of a pure schizophrenic? Shouldn't an anti-psychotic drug give someone an awareness that would help people see reality better after the drug wore off? If someone is depressed and for 5 years does all the right things to help him/herself, sees friends, is active, eats right etc. , and after that, they stop, aren't they likely to be less depressed than if they never did the right things. Why would "doing the right thing" for schizophenics cause them to have more problems in the long run, while a natural cure for depression cause less problems in the long run, and why would "mental health professionals" allow it to continue?
Last question first: $$$$. They think no policy-maker would see through their scam. Pork first, no matter how inappropriate the program. Meds make the Mental Health system rich. The stress caused by the strictness of "the medical model" drives people either to meds or rebellion. Psychiatric fads come and go, SAMSA no longer recommends TMAP, CalMap is almost the same. When I found out that TMAP was developed in Texas when Bush was governor, I knew no good could come of it. Humboldt ran to embrase TMAP.
Biochemistry 101
Here's how the body's chemistry works - in order to make chemical reactions happen at room temperature, it creates enzymes, to catylise reactions. Linus Pauling called this a "lock and key" system. Most enzymes come from combining an apoenzyme, made by the body with a coenzyme, which are injested, and are usually called vitamins. .
For example, vitamin C has only 20 atoms, but it has 2 of the most powerful electrons in organic chemistry. By 1970, there were 39 known uses in the body. It's like a laser, zapping astray molecules into shape. B3 has a methyl group - CH3, which picks up stray hydrogen atoms, which are caused in large quantities by the chemicals used to make meth. B3 can be thought of as a vacuum cleaner. The apoenzyme acts similiar to a transport and guidance system. The whole enzyme acts as a template to line up amino acids in the right order to become proteins.
Pharmaceuticals act in a most unnatural way - as a double negative. All a chemist needs to do is create a molecule with an end that looks like the part of the vitamin that binds to the apoenzyme, then alter the rest of the vitamin so the resulting molecule doesn't act as the enzyme would have, and he's produced a "medication".
"Medications" permently bond to the spot where the apoezyme and the vitamin bond to form an enzyme. If the psychiatrist has guessed right, an enzyme that is being overproduced is restrained - for a while. Instead of giving the body enough nutrients to compensate for an already strained body, because of drug abuse, the body is straightjacketed, and may have to deal with mishapen molecules doing God - knows what. The Pharmaceutical Companies are lauging all the way to the bank. When the "patent's" body discovers a shortage of an active enzyme, it overcompensates by producing more apoenzymes, depleting the body further, making the mentally ill patient even crazier, euphamistically called by doctors "developing a tolerance".
The pharmaceutical companies came from Nazi germany, America got them to, just as they got VonBraun and his buddies from the Pennemunde Concentration Camp in operation Paperclip. He's a good one to ask, people in Mental Health apparently confided in him as layoffs happened, then shut up when that proposition funding mental health came through, and they got rehired. For example, IG Farben, now called Bayer, invented herion saying it was a cure for morphine addiction, and they had a work camp at Aushwitz, probably to make ampethamines to make the troops more brutal and rapacious.
Here are the symotoms of B3 deficiency according to Wikipedia - in order - and what I know about it's relationship to meth
sensitity to sunlight - probably uncommon - perscription drugs can also cause this problem
sensitivity to sunlight
even some pharmaceuticals have this problem too.
Aggression - definately - the part of the brain that needs B3 the most is the amygdala - the emotional control area.
Dermatitus - ever see a speed user with wrinkled skin?
Glossitis - I don't know of any cases - but then I don't look at other people's toungues,
red skin lesions - common to herion users - probably more common to them because of use of needles
Insommnia - I've heard of stories of people staying up for 1-3 weeks because of 1 dose.
Weakness - I had a friend who retired from the NFL 5 years previous with a meth problem, he was so tired most of the time, I could run circles around him.
Mental Confusion - no explaination needed
Diaherra - speed users tell me they have this problem, if you rent the movie Trainspotters (it came out a decade ago), you'll know that herion often causes this problem
Dementia - no explaination needed
Apparently drug dealers understand nutrition better than psychciatrists, since meth has often been cut with niacin (B3), since the '70s. There are 2 ways to get the rush:
Lots of meth - wringing the body out of nutrients, including niacin
Some meth w/ niacin - the body is less squeezed for niacin.
The evidence for vitamin C isn't as compelling, to me at my level of understanding, however, I have heard plenty of claims worth contacting a few doctors I'll mention. C acts mainly by fixing connective tissue, and containment tissue that segregates tumors for example( prevents them from metastising), it might not be as obvious. There are incredible claims, unfortunately, neigther you nor I have the expertise to verify. I asked a few knowledgable people about what they thought about the claim that IV injection of SODIUM ASCORBATE (do not inject ascorbic acid directly into the bloodstream as the pH can kill) can neutralise the effeccts of herion , also notice that the other elements of nutrition were needed for recovery. While this study was done in America, this therapy has been used as far away as Austrlia, where one researcher said about methadone : "I began my research in 1965 in replacement chemotherapy with substances such as methadone. Anyone who works with it for a length of time realises that all you are doing is replacing a good scotch with a very cheap wine."
I hope this evidence is sufficent to overcome any and all obsticles to decent nutrition in Eureka.SAMSA no longer recommends TMAP, CalMap is almost the same. When I found out that TMAP was developed in Texas when Bush was governor, I knew no good could come of it. Humboldt ran to embrase TMAP. When I was at Mental health's Peer Recovery Center, I read grant proposals that were based on Federal Programs, these programs, like TMAP appeared to be intentionally subtally flawed Trojan horses. This of course sounds paraniod, except for the link I've sent you perviously from the Asst HUD sectry about intentional creation of slums
Here's how the body's chemistry works - in order to make chemical reactions happen at room temperature, it creates enzymes, to catylise reactions. Linus Pauling called this a "lock and key" system. Most enzymes come from combining an apoenzyme, made by the body with a coenzyme, which are injested, and are usually called vitamins. .
For example, vitamin C has only 20 atoms, but it has 2 of the most powerful electrons in organic chemistry. By 1970, there were 39 known uses in the body. It's like a laser, zapping astray molecules into shape. B3 has a methyl group - CH3, which picks up stray hydrogen atoms, which are caused in large quantities by the chemicals used to make meth. B3 can be thought of as a vacuum cleaner. The apoenzyme acts similiar to a transport and guidance system. The whole enzyme acts as a template to line up amino acids in the right order to become proteins.
Pharmaceuticals act in a most unnatural way - as a double negative. All a chemist needs to do is create a molecule with an end that looks like the part of the vitamin that binds to the apoenzyme, then alter the rest of the vitamin so the resulting molecule doesn't act as the enzyme would have, and he's produced a "medication".
"Medications" permently bond to the spot where the apoezyme and the vitamin bond to form an enzyme. If the psychiatrist has guessed right, an enzyme that is being overproduced is restrained - for a while. Instead of giving the body enough nutrients to compensate for an already strained body, because of drug abuse, the body is straightjacketed, and may have to deal with mishapen molecules doing God - knows what. The Pharmaceutical Companies are lauging all the way to the bank. When the "patent's" body discovers a shortage of an active enzyme, it overcompensates by producing more apoenzymes, depleting the body further, making the mentally ill patient even crazier, euphamistically called by doctors "developing a tolerance".
Are you starting to understand why Tad refers to "Nazi phamaceutical companies"? America got them to, just as they got VonBraun and his buddies from the Pennemunde Concentration Camp in operation Paperclip. He's a good one to ask, people in Mental Health apparently confided in him as layoffs happened, then shut up when that proposition funding mental health came through, and they got rehired. For example, IG Farben, now called Bayer, invented herion saying it was a cure for morphine addiction, and they had a work camp at Aushwitz, probably to make ampethamines to make the troops more brutal and rapacious.
Here are the symotoms of B3 deficiency according to Wikipedia - in order - and what I know about it's relationship to meth
sensitity to sunlight - probably uncommon - perscription drugs can also cause this problem
sensitivity to sunlight
even some pharmaceuticals have this problem too.
Aggression - definately - the part of the brain that needs B3 the most is the amygdala - the emotional control area.
Dermatitus - ever see a speed user with wrinkled skin?
Glossitis - I don't know of any cases - but then I don't look at other people's toungues,
red skin lesions - common to herion users - probably more common to them because of use of needles
Insommnia - I've heard of stories of people staying up for 1-3 weeks because of 1 dose.
Weakness - I had a friend who retired from the NFL 5 years previous with a meth problem, he was so tired most of the time, I could run circles around him.
Mental Confusion - no explaination needed
Diaherra - speed users tell me they have this problem, if you rent the movie Trainspotters (it came out a decade ago), you'll know that herion often causes this problem
Dementia - no explaination needed
Apparently drug dealers understand nutrition better than psychciatrists, since meth has often been cut with niacin (B3), since the '70s. There are 2 ways to get the rush:
Lots of meth - wringing the body out of nutrients, including niacin
Some meth w/ niacin - the body is less squeezed for niacin.
Of course, the second choice is more profitable.
The lethal oral dose for 50% of rats is roughly equivalent to 1 lb/day for a 150 lb person, or 450,000 mg. This is 4000x the Recommended daily dose of 11 mg.
The evidence for vitamin C isn't as compelling, to me at my level of understanding, however, I have heard plenty of claims worth contacting a few doctors I'll mention. C acts mainly by fixing connective tissue, and containment tissue that segregates tumors for example( prevents them from metastising), it might not be as obvious. There are incredible claims, unfortunately, neigther you nor I have the expertise to verify. I asked a few knowledgable people about what they thought about the claim that IV injection of SODIUM ASCORBATE (do not inject ascorbic acid directly into the bloodstream as the pH can kill) can neutralise the effeccts of herion , also notice that the other elements of nutrition were needed for recovery. While this study was done in America, this therapy has been used as far away as Austrlia, where one researcher said about methadone : "I began my research in 1965 in replacement chemotherapy with substances such as methadone. Anyone who works with it for a length of time realises that all you are doing is replacing a good scotch with a very cheap wine."
I hope this evidence is sufficent to overcome any and all obsticles to decent nutrition in Eureka.
"The DPRK is still in a state of war with the U.S. It's called a black out." - Che explaining why orbital nightime pictures of NK show few lights. Seriously.
Some things have complex answers. If you disagree with that, try Fox News. Maybe you'd feel more comfortable switching from civ to simEarth.
Some answers require rigor. One of the major problems in Eureka were agency heads who gave simplistic answers, superfiscially psych meds work, they've been used as a first resort without people looking at the longterm effects, and it's helped make Eureka what it is today. These problems could end up coming to a city near you.
My efforts have been rewarded: I've convinced them the importance of nutrition, they're in the process of a childhood nutrition program: starting with getting soda out of school and conciousness raising.
Humboldt County is still extremely polarised. The mayor and city council of Eureka are trying hard to stem the great divide. six miles to the north, in Arcata, 18 proteters got arrested protesting a camping ordinance. Among other things, they're trying to get it stuck down, as I attempted to in Eureka. It goes to court in a couple of months. There the city council are kletocrats and there is a class war going on. That should be interesting.
I hoped the new Chief has been unable to stem the tide.
The fifth killing they were involved in was the only one to occur outside city limits. They were part of a SWAT team at the Hupa reservation. This victim died of some inhalation during a standoff. He died of smoke inhalation. Guess the cops burned down his house because they never heard of tear gas.
A ship at sea is its own world. To be the captain of a ship is to be the unquestioned ruler of that world and requires all of the leadership skills of a prince or minister.
Men grow tired of sleep, love, singing and dancing, sooner than war