Now, if I was to argue for the existence of "God" - an intelligence behind the universe - I would point out that the morality that comes with higher intelligence is in conflict with evolution. The Golden Rule is about rejecting a form of hypocrisy evolution employed to get us to this point. But what happens when a species becomes so dominant because of its intelligence it threatens life itself? Somebody has to apply the brakes, so are these brakes evidence of intelligent design?
We evolve to a point where we can recognize hypocrisy and we reject the evolutionary mandate of conflict to spread our genes. Morality is born... Not as the whimsical thoughts of people with too much time on their hands, but as the Creator's regulator on behavior.
We evolve to a point where we can recognize hypocrisy and we reject the evolutionary mandate of conflict to spread our genes. Morality is born... Not as the whimsical thoughts of people with too much time on their hands, but as the Creator's regulator on behavior.