Over 200.000 Albanians may be expelled from Switzerland
Tirana /22/09/ 12:03
More than 200.000 Albanians may be expelled from Switzerland if the country endorses the new immigration law, Tirana's dailies said.
Media in Tirana say the associations of Kosovo Albanians in Switzerland are deeply concerned amid initiatives on tougher immigration and asylum laws.
If the Swiss vote for the law on aliens and refugees, at least 200.000 Albanians from Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania may be forced out of the country.
Kosovo Albanian associations in Switzerland called on roughly 20.000 Albanians who had acquired Swiss citizenship to oppose the revised asylum law.
Several leftist parties and NGOs remained adamantly opposed to the draft-law, arguing that the law breaches human rights.
Swiss government reckons that current situation in the 21st century requires new regulations concerning aliens. The current law on foreign nationals entered into effect 70 years ago. /end/
If this is true, I wonder where they will go? There were 200,000 spaces vacated in Kosovo by the expulsion of non-Albanians there (interesting symetry) but I think some of those spots may have been taken by Tosks and Ghegs from Albania.
It also raises the question : what other nationalities face eviction from Switzerland?