None of their business will get off the ground because they'll be crushed with low-cost imports of better quality.
Not if those that are mainly labor intensive. In those they can achieve import substution without protection, and can then move on to exports. Thats pretty much been the story of cotton textiles, in India, Japan, and then on the next wave countries. Hell thats how cotton textiles moved to the US south, from New England. Surely you dont think the US South had import protections? Yet it industrialized.
While that may be good for consumers in the short run, in the long run it leaves the country improvished, since it's industry which generates the most wealth
No, modernization brings wealth. Canada is a good example of a country that modernized using extractive sectors mainly. Also Sweden, Finland, Australia, etc.
Now, it's true that for Latin America, import substitution was a disaster. There are a number of factors for that, among which I would include: siesta culture, relatively low urbanization,
Low urbanization is a consequence of lack of industry.
corruption of military dictatorships (Asian dictatorships were generally non-military--don't know if that makes if difference),
Er, lets see, South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia - plenty of military dictatorships, and plenty of corruption.
lack of decent sources of external revenue (many of the Asian tigers were on the frontlines of the Cold War and got quite a bit of Amerian money), etc.
South Korea actually stagnated when it was MOST on the front lines. Singapore didnt get much US money, IIUC.