When browsing the reviews of the book "Islam Unvelied" , I came across this little gem , written by a guy calling himself Mustan . Let me reproduce it here .
American Liars!!!!, July 12, 2006
Reviewer: Mustan - See all my reviews
The problem is not with Islam. The problem is in your decadent american hearts. Your culture is filthy and your minds are closed. Allah closes the hearts of those who refuse to see the Truth:
"As for the disbelievers, whether thou warn them or thou warn them not it is one for them; they believe not.
Allah hath sealed their hearing and their hearts, and on their eyes there is a covering. Theirs will be an awful doom."
Sura 2:6-7
You say we are violent but you murder children every day in Iraq, Afganistan, and in Palistine. This blood is on your head.
Note the bolded and italicised sections . The bolded part shows this person's hatred for everything western - "decadent american hearts" , "culture is filthy" , "minds are closed" , etc. .
The italicised part shows the complete unwillingness to honestly look at himself or his beliefs critically , a complete inability at introspection . The thought that there may be something wrong within oneself , that one may need to improve , is never entertained , it does not exist .
This thread exists to discuss four questions : Why does this attitude exist ? What leads to its formation ? How does it gain currency ? And what will its ultimate result and expression be ( other than terrorism ) ? The last question is more important than it appears , because terrorism can only be a passing phase , but the effect of these attitudes on the long-term future of the Muslim world , of the way it interacts with the rest of the world , and how it evolves within itself is not yet understood , and I want that to be explored more fully in this thread .
American Liars!!!!, July 12, 2006
Reviewer: Mustan - See all my reviews
The problem is not with Islam. The problem is in your decadent american hearts. Your culture is filthy and your minds are closed. Allah closes the hearts of those who refuse to see the Truth:
"As for the disbelievers, whether thou warn them or thou warn them not it is one for them; they believe not.
Allah hath sealed their hearing and their hearts, and on their eyes there is a covering. Theirs will be an awful doom."
Sura 2:6-7
You say we are violent but you murder children every day in Iraq, Afganistan, and in Palistine. This blood is on your head.
The italicised part shows the complete unwillingness to honestly look at himself or his beliefs critically , a complete inability at introspection . The thought that there may be something wrong within oneself , that one may need to improve , is never entertained , it does not exist .
This thread exists to discuss four questions : Why does this attitude exist ? What leads to its formation ? How does it gain currency ? And what will its ultimate result and expression be ( other than terrorism ) ? The last question is more important than it appears , because terrorism can only be a passing phase , but the effect of these attitudes on the long-term future of the Muslim world , of the way it interacts with the rest of the world , and how it evolves within itself is not yet understood , and I want that to be explored more fully in this thread .