Like I said, yeah they have screwed up with the managment situation. This is not shocking news to me. But the fact remains, if I take charge and just go now, there will be production halt in an area that just can't handle it. If I 'screw it' and go, I'm a dead man as far as career goes. I'm not sure if they could even sue me for it since it's.. if you knew the area I'm working in and what it consists of, youd' realize how serious the situation is. Basicalyl I think they might even sue me if I leave.
Not that I care if they sued me. But I do care that I don't screw up the thing I've been working hard for few years now.
So yeah, I'm a traitor. I hope he makes it to the next week, I might be able to score some time off.
Ideological thinking does not help right now, I've already missed a wedding of my relative, the .. event when a baby is born and is celebrated of a friend of mine, and I've missed my own sick time (had to work sick that is), basically the ONLY way I can get a leave is FOR a funeral. That's it. Period. If I was one of my emplyoees, I could get leave easy, even if I wanted to go on a drinking bindge. But for me, it's just not the same.
Not that I care if they sued me. But I do care that I don't screw up the thing I've been working hard for few years now.
So yeah, I'm a traitor. I hope he makes it to the next week, I might be able to score some time off.
Ideological thinking does not help right now, I've already missed a wedding of my relative, the .. event when a baby is born and is celebrated of a friend of mine, and I've missed my own sick time (had to work sick that is), basically the ONLY way I can get a leave is FOR a funeral. That's it. Period. If I was one of my emplyoees, I could get leave easy, even if I wanted to go on a drinking bindge. But for me, it's just not the same.