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Battlestar Galactica Season 3 Preview

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  • From before:

    This ship, the last of her kind still in service, was constructed over 50 years ago during the early days of the Cylon War.
    Meaning the Second Cylon War broke out 50-60 years after the First.

    It's already been stated that Caprica will take place in a timeline that begins with the development of the first Cylons. This could be almost 100 years before the Second Cylon War and the events of BSG, however.
    Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


    • Originally posted by Vince278
      I remember it mentioned in the original series that the Galactica was over 500 years old and suffered from occasional maintenance problems such as fuel leaks.
      This is the kind of things which makes some space operas totally ridiculous, they're always crazy about over-blown numbers. Like having thousands of giant spaceships or space empires being millions of years old or secret conspiracies planned (often to take out space empires which are millions of years old) for a timeframe of hundreds or even thousands of years (like in some of those later Dune books) etc.


      • Timeline (zero point is start of mini-series):

        -52 years: Cylon revolt begins the Cylon War. Articles of Colonization signed, unifying the Twelve Colonies.

        ~-50 years: Battlestar Galactica enters service under Commander Nash.

        -40 years: Armistice is signed between Colonials and Cylons, ending the Cylon war.

        -2 years: Cylon agents (Six, Sharon, Doral, etc) infiltrate the Colonies.

        Zero hour: Cylons attack and destroy the Colonies.

        The spin-off show Caprica will take place before the Cylon rebellion, when the Cylons are first developed. William Adama will be 11 years old at the start of that series and since he joined the Colonial service as a Viper pilot near the end of the Cylon War, that must mean there's only a few years between the initial development of the Cylons and their rebellion: it's unlikely Adama would've been older than 24 or 25 upon entering service (in which case he'd have to be well into his 60s at the start of the mini-series) so that only gives them 3 or 4 years between the start of the show Caprica and the start of the Cylon War. That sounds a bit iffy to me, but I trust/hope they know what they're doing...
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        • Originally posted by Locutus
          William Adama will be 11 years old at the start of that series and since he joined the Colonial service as a Viper pilot near the end of the Cylon War, that must mean there's only a few years between the initial development of the Cylons and their rebellion:
          Why must it mean that?
          Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


          • Originally posted by BeBro
            This is the kind of things which makes some space operas totally ridiculous, they're always crazy about over-blown numbers. Like having thousands of giant spaceships or space empires being millions of years old or secret conspiracies planned (often to take out space empires which are millions of years old) for a timeframe of hundreds or even thousands of years (like in some of those later Dune books) etc.
            However, on the other end of the scale, some figures that should be pretty huge are completely out of whack and several magnitudes too small. In the Star Wars canon, AFAIK, the amount of droids the separatists had at their disposal was somewhere in the lower millions, meaning they didn't really have enough to invade a planet, whereas approx. trillions would be closer to making sense, considering the scale of the Republic and the war. And hence, sometimes numbers that seem ridiculously large may not be so. The scale we're dealing with on the interstellar/galactic level is mindbogglingly enormous.
            Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


            • Originally posted by chegitz guevara
              Why must it mean that?
              What's the alternative? Time travel?
              Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


              • Never mind, I misread what you wronte.
                Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


                • The timeline does not look right. 100 years before now is not 52 years before now. Galactica is 50 years old and ready for retirement in the now. Who is Commander Nash? So many questions about a fictional aspect of the galaxy. Clearly, the fact that several people care indicates this is a great and captivating series.
                  No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
                  "I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author


                  • Originally posted by Blaupanzer
                    this is a great and captivating series.
                    Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


                    • I'd hate to see the story goofed. Wasn't there a flashback where Adama pretty much said that he'd have to marry the right people to move up in the fleet?
                      If you look around and think everyone else is an *******, you're the *******.


                      • More or less. After the war he (and Tigh) were discharged from of the fleet. Adama married his 2nd wife because she had connections high up in the military, and thanks to those connections he (and eventually also Tigh) got reinstated. This was long after the war though, shouldn't be relevant for either series (other than to establish the relationship between Tigh and Adama).
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