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To vomit ... or not to vomit

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  • #31
    theres a yin and a yang. Theres Sousa and theres Guthrie. Theres Greenwood and theres Peter, Paul and Mary. All have a place.

    I think Greenwoods song, while not my favorite aesthetically, is reclaimable. And, OTOH, plenty of worthier works are quite as easily claimable for mindless patriotism (just as things are claimable for mindless religion, mindless internationalism, mindless Marxism, etc, etc)

    While Greenwoods song was written in the 80s, I associate it with the time around the first gulf war. If its not great, and its manipulative thats ok - somehow for me its associated with the atmosphere that first demonized Saddam, then deliberately left him in place, when military action was wrapped up in the UNSC, that odd, strange time from mid 1990 to spring 1991. Its also a reminder of the very anxious mood of that time - in retrospect that war was the "cakewalk" that misled us for a long time, but at the time people were VERY worried about what would happen when our troops hit the "battlehardened" Iraqi army in fortifications that were said to resemble the Somme or El Alamein. I see it as a very much a period piece, not a core part of the patriotic repertoire.

    I know some played it after 9/11, but I associate "God Bless America" much more with that time, and the historic and emotional redolence of that much less detailed, and thus more evocative song, more appropriate.
    Last edited by lord of the mark; July 5, 2006, 17:29.
    "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


    • #32
      Originally posted by Q Cubed
      Now, nye, if you still think that my opinion here is worthless because I haven't put my life on the line in military service, that's fine. I can rest easy, since all you are is a Canadian.
      Now that inspires me...


      Oh if I have to leave tomorrow
      To avoid the army draft
      Make a living skinning beavers
      Saying "eh" and sounding daft

      I'll be glad I didn't risk my neck
      And that I drive a hybrid car
      And though we don't do anything
      We're better than you by faaaaar...

      And I'm proud to be a Canadian
      Though nobody gives a ****
      My country is a joke to all
      But I'm mighty fond of it.
      And I'll swiftly kick you in the shins
      When you say that curling's "gay,"
      With nothing worth invading for,
      We're safer every day!

      We import all your culture
      Since we have none of our own
      And in return we give you weather
      That freezes to the bone

      You say we're good for nothing
      We're idle folk, it's true;
      But if we wanted worthwhile lives
      We could do it better than yoooouuu....

      (repeat chorus endlessly)
      1011 1100
      Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


      • #33
        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.

