Re: Re: I need an answer for one "yes/no" question in the end of this post
So we can know he has something, but we don't notice that same thing while it's moving away? You know it's much easier to hide something that's not moving.
I mainly remember polls showing Dems going to beat the GOP in Congressional elections, then talk about invading Iraq started and people forgot how ****ty the economy was.
Many of those reasons were pushed after the fact though. WMDs were the administration's focus until they didn't find any. There was a very gradual shift from "ZOMG! THEY'RE GOING TO NUKE NEW YORK IF WE DON"T INVADE NOW !!1!1!!" to "Iraq armed with WMD is dangerous, and even without it's better to replace a scumbag like Saddam with a democracy" to "Democracy, yay!!" The shift for the most part didn't happen until after the election.
As I've said earlier. Bush had plenty of material to manufacture a casus belli, still doesn't mean it was a good idea to invade.
If by pulling the similar types of things you mean sitting on their *** doing nothing, then yes.
It has nothing to do with war-weariness. The war has had about 0 impact on me for example. It could go on indefinitely and I'd not be affected; however, what changed is that people had time to think. After 9/11 everyone went into knee-jerk rally around the pres/blow up some towelheads mode
. The administration capitalized on this and hastily invaded Iraq while the people still found it unpatriotic to question Bush, and in their rush they neglected to put together a plan for what to do after. Anyone that seriously believed the Iraqis would recieve US troops with flowers 
Actually, post war records indicate that the bit he best anticipated were his people hating him. There have been articles since (I forget which magazine) that basically say that Saddam's forces were better oriented to fight an uprising in the south than to defend Baghdad. In particular he refused to blow up bridges until it was too late because he thought he would need to counter-attack in the south
Apparently he thought the Americans would repeat Gulf War I and never actually take Baghdad. Even so his plan would have worked had he picked a better hiding spot; though that might have been pretty hard. If he could have somehow dissappeared for about 5-10 years, I think he could have had lots of support given the chaos that's here now.
Originally posted by Deity Dude
I honestly never heard this on FOX news. It doesn't take a genius though to look at a map and see what countries border Iraq and dislike the US more than Iraq.
Again I'm not saying he had anything or not. I'm just saying with a 6 month warning I knew we weren't gonna find anything.
I honestly never heard this on FOX news. It doesn't take a genius though to look at a map and see what countries border Iraq and dislike the US more than Iraq.
Again I'm not saying he had anything or not. I'm just saying with a 6 month warning I knew we weren't gonna find anything.
Well I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this. All I can say is I lived in the US thru the whole lead-up and as I tried to point out earlier there were lots of issues floating around at the time, UN Inspectors seemed to be the #1 issue if you had to pick one but it was much more complicated than a single issue or 2.
The US went into Iraq for the most part united. They went in for a multitude of issues.
(inspectors, attacking the no fly zone, attempting to assasinate an ex president, use of WMD's against his own people and others, brutality of his regime)
(US kept overlooking Al Qaeda attacks that led up to 9/11 and now Iraq was pulling similiar type things and the Anthrax attacks in Washington and New York)
and now as time has gone on the vast majority have changed thier mind about the war, which is OK, but they can't admit that they themselves were for this and now they're against it even though almost all and perhaps all of the underlying reasons/worries weren't lies.
The country is war weary and as usual everyone wants to blame someone else.
The country is war weary and as usual everyone wants to blame someone else.

To play devil's advocate, I suppose a possible answer to your question could be that he seriously thought A) the lack of WMD attacks on Coalition forces, B) their failure to find any stockpiles, and C) mounting casualties from a successful insurgency would all erode American public support for the war enough for them to tuck tail and run (just like in Vietnam, a word certainly in Saddam's vocabulary), after which he would return to power.
Such a prediction would have been remarkably accurate, except for miscalculating the extent to which his own people hated him (a variable which he wasn't in the best position to determine while sitting on a gold-plated toilet seat). I don't personally think Saddam had operational WMD and hid them, but IF he did the above train of thought would have been logical from his perspective.
Such a prediction would have been remarkably accurate, except for miscalculating the extent to which his own people hated him (a variable which he wasn't in the best position to determine while sitting on a gold-plated toilet seat). I don't personally think Saddam had operational WMD and hid them, but IF he did the above train of thought would have been logical from his perspective.
