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World Football Thread VIII - The beautiful game?

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  • I don't know how you're divining their reasoning for 27,000 versus the 23,000 it was several years ago. Anyway, we'll see.
    I came upon a barroom full of bad Salon pictures in which men with hats on the backs of their heads were wolfing food from a counter. It was the institution of the "free lunch" I had struck. You paid for a drink and got as much as you wanted to eat. For something less than a rupee a day a man can feed himself sumptuously in San Francisco, even though he be a bankrupt. Remember this if ever you are stranded in these parts. ~ Rudyard Kipling, 1891


    • The fact that both the HDC and the new DC stadium are using that. Which is the upper boundary of MLS stadia so far. Red Bull Stadium will be 25k, a few are choosing 20k-25k. MLS has made it clear that they are not happy with the pictures on TV of half empty stands or quiet stands. Especially since they are not getting rights fees for their product, they want intimate fields, which will look good on TV and are conducive to having a very close, excited atmosphere.

      Though I could see DC making the top seating capacity 27.5k or 28k to be named the biggest SSS stadium in MLS just to top the HDC. I don't see them doing so, however. Not at this stage of the game.
      “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
      - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


      • Just wait a couple of years. This thing won't be built in time for the 2008 season like they say they want, anyway.
        I came upon a barroom full of bad Salon pictures in which men with hats on the backs of their heads were wolfing food from a counter. It was the institution of the "free lunch" I had struck. You paid for a drink and got as much as you wanted to eat. For something less than a rupee a day a man can feed himself sumptuously in San Francisco, even though he be a bankrupt. Remember this if ever you are stranded in these parts. ~ Rudyard Kipling, 1891


        • I don't see average attendance or interest in MLS in the US increasing all that much even until 2010 (mostly because I think the US is heading for a 1st round exit this WC, due to the toughness of the group we are in... though I hope not ), so I don't think expansion will be in the plans.
          “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
          - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


          • I don't think the WC has much impact on the popularity of soccer in the US (it's already very popular as a participatory sport). Well, it might have a slight impact if we won.

            Soccer in the US gains its strength from the grass-roots level, not the national or pro level.
            Last edited by DanS; May 24, 2006, 00:02.
            I came upon a barroom full of bad Salon pictures in which men with hats on the backs of their heads were wolfing food from a counter. It was the institution of the "free lunch" I had struck. You paid for a drink and got as much as you wanted to eat. For something less than a rupee a day a man can feed himself sumptuously in San Francisco, even though he be a bankrupt. Remember this if ever you are stranded in these parts. ~ Rudyard Kipling, 1891


            • n/m
              “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
              - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


              • Originally posted by DanS
                I don't think the WC has much impact on the popularity of soccer in the US.

                I think you are nuts. Greater success of the US Men's National Team (especially considering how many MLS players are on it), then the greater soccer in general and the MLS in particular are in the public eye. Hell, the MLS is only in existance because of USA '94 and is the reason they can ask for rights fees from ESPN (SUM controls MLS TV rights as well as WC TV rights), as a part of the WC deals, which ESPN does consider highly profitable.

                I think the 2002 WC was a watershed for soccer in the US. The Men's team got the Quarterfinals with millions watching soccer in the wee hours of the morning. This led to more interest in the MLS (considering some of those players casual fans had been rooting for are in the MLS).

                Business Week's article about whether this could be a breakout year for soccer noted that since this is a World Cup year, casual American fans may actually tune into more MLS matches, seeing as how the US team has a significant MLS presence:

                An early exit may damage that momentum.
                “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                • [q=DanS]Soccer in the US gains its strength from the grass-roots level, not the national or pro level.[/q]

                  They've been saying that for 30 years (Soccer has been the highest participatory sport in the US for youth since the 70s), Dan. However, now the Men's national team is making waves. The US getting the World Cup led to the creation of the MLS and the success of the 2002 Men's team in Japan/Korea led to more casual fans to search out American soccer.
                  “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                  - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                  • If the 2002 WC was such a watershed for soccer in the US, why did MLS attendance go down in 2003, on average?

                    Further, do you really think the MNT is making waves? Honestly?

                    Lastly, 30 years ago, we didn't have all of these high school soccer teams and strong college soccer programs. Every high school in my podunk hometown in Ohio now has a soccer team, whereas 30 years ago none did.

                    Last edited by DanS; May 24, 2006, 00:22.
                    I came upon a barroom full of bad Salon pictures in which men with hats on the backs of their heads were wolfing food from a counter. It was the institution of the "free lunch" I had struck. You paid for a drink and got as much as you wanted to eat. For something less than a rupee a day a man can feed himself sumptuously in San Francisco, even though he be a bankrupt. Remember this if ever you are stranded in these parts. ~ Rudyard Kipling, 1891


                    • It dipped in 2003, but went up nicely in 2004. And 2002 was a nice boost for the league. TV ratings have done fairly nice as well. After 2002, and the WC, you started to see Fox Soccer Channel and GolTV getting more of an imprint on cable packages.

                      2002 was the highest average attendance year for the MLS in its history.

                      And yes, the MNT is most definately making waves. It is by far the soccer organization most known by the casual American sports fan. And I'd think making the Quarterfinals of the biggest sporting event in the world is a pretty big sign (and the US ratings for that game were phenomenal for a soccer game). Add that to the fact that more and more players on the national team are starting in big leagues and big teams (ok, one team, PSV) in Europe.

                      And for comparison, 10 years ago, we had a ton of kids who played soccer in my hometown, including all three high schools. I'm the only one of my youth league that I know that still follows the sport. The others I know have moved on. They enjoyed playing... watching not so much. And they didn't even really like watching the sport back then.

                      Now you have casual sports fans paying attention, on a basic level, to the World Cup. I know a number of folks in my office who are interested in the WC, but probably couldn't name an MLS team to save their lives.
                      Last edited by Imran Siddiqui; May 24, 2006, 00:36.
                      “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                      - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                      • Interesting stuff... it seems Garber is announcing expansion... and the next team will be in (rumor has it)... the Bay Area?! Didn't a team just leave there? Yep... but the Oakland A's owner apparently wants to get into owning an MLS team.

                        Strange but true.
                        “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                        - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                        • Johan Vonlanthen (20 yo) then got hurt in traning and will most likely miss the world cup. which means hakan yakin will probably get called up (he blows chunks)
                          "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


                          • USA lose 3rd game in a row! (according to Sky Sports News).

                            Italy & Czech Republic to go through from group E - deffo.


                            • yeah in the 90th minute. usa sucks. they should pack their bags and go home.

                              YANKEE GO HOOOOOMMMMMMEEEEEEE
                              "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


                              • Originally posted by Cort Haus
                                USA lose 3rd game in a row! (according to Sky Sports News).

                                Italy & Czech Republic to go through from group E - deffo.
                                USA was also playing a formation they haven't played yet (a 4-3-3). Their friendly record right before the 2002 WC was horrid as well, so I wouldn't call them push overs yet.
                                “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                                - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)

