Assumming they could have been prevented, neither Cheney nor Rumsfeld -- the two most powerful people in the White House on 9/10/2001, including the president -- are boomers.
william Clinton - Aug 19th 1946 - baby boomer
Condoleeza rice - born nov. 14 1954 - baby boomer
George Tenet (Director, CIA) born jan 5 1953 - baby boomer
Louis J Freeh (Director, FBI 2001) born jan 6 1950 - baby boomer
Stephen Hadley (NSA) born feb 13 1947 - baby boomer
Karl Rove - born dec 25 1950 - baby boomer
Actually, if you'll recall, it was boomers who made the government solvent in the 90s. But they were just dealing with the errant policies of non-boomers Reagan and Bush I. As for the current administration's policies, it was non-boomer Cheney who publically declared "deficits don't matter."
This has been a problem since the twin sucker-punches of the 1970s (the OPEC Embargo and the Iranian Revolution), when no boomers were in charge.
Number of Boomers involved in Watergate: 0
Number of Boomers involved in Iran-Contra: 0
Number of years before the Boom that Duke Cunningham was born: 4
Number of years before the Boom that Dan Rostenkowski was born: 18
Number of Boomers involved in Iran-Contra: 0
Number of years before the Boom that Duke Cunningham was born: 4
Number of years before the Boom that Dan Rostenkowski was born: 18
tom delay - born april 8 1947 -baby boomer
jeffrey skilling - born nov 25 1953 -baby boomer
'pardongate' clinton -baby boomer
bill first - born feb 22 1952 - baby boomer
michael chertoff - born nov 28 1953 - baby boomer
michael d brown - born nov 8 1953- baby boomer
A term coined in the 18th century to describe what was then already a common practice.
Which had never, ever happened before, right? But the 27th amendment which disallows Congressional pay raises from going into effect until an intervening election, was first proposed in the 18th century but was forgoten until resurrected by Boomer Gregory Watson
Hey! I remeber this criticism! Seems to me it first became part of American political discourse in the 1960s, when it was voiced by those long-haired, pot-smoking, peacenik...Boomers.
I've seen your generation. It plagiarizes books and jopurnalism articles to further its career. It kills people for their Nikes. Given the chance to confront a president, it asks, "Boxers or Briefs"? It is the primary demographic for Reality TV.
on a side note, I think that the daily show had a 24 yo kid on who wrote a book about the exact same thing (im in europe, so I get the clips a few days after they have passed on the telly)