Originally posted by Jon Miller
Tried looking at church. But despite being religious, I am so out of the 'group' at church that I mostl just come in, listen to the sermon, don't talk to anyone and leave. I was getting to know people a bit better at a Korean church, and there was an interesting girl there, but that was back when I was generally hungover during the day on the weekends, so I rarely went. (one girl in particular seems interested somewhat, even sat by me once, but I just haven't gone enough (seen her twice in a month..) to ask her out).
Tried looking at church. But despite being religious, I am so out of the 'group' at church that I mostl just come in, listen to the sermon, don't talk to anyone and leave. I was getting to know people a bit better at a Korean church, and there was an interesting girl there, but that was back when I was generally hungover during the day on the weekends, so I rarely went. (one girl in particular seems interested somewhat, even sat by me once, but I just haven't gone enough (seen her twice in a month..) to ask her out).
And that covers the sum total of my typical social interaction in an average week.