What are some of the worst names you've ever heard?
I've mentioned a few times on here that a friend of mine has an uncle named Dick Seamon. Who, honest to God, lives in a town called Climax, Michigan.
I knew a guy in college named Peter Handler. He ran a successful campaign for student government by putting fliers above all the urinals on campus that read, "Get a grip on your student government: vote Peter Handler." Lemons, lemonade, etc etc.
I recently saw a child in the emergency room named, I **** you not, Aryan Buzzard. Now, I might be proven wrong many years from now, but when you name a kid Aryan Buzzard, you've pretty much guaranteed that he won't grow up to be a civil rights lawyer.
I've mentioned a few times on here that a friend of mine has an uncle named Dick Seamon. Who, honest to God, lives in a town called Climax, Michigan.
I knew a guy in college named Peter Handler. He ran a successful campaign for student government by putting fliers above all the urinals on campus that read, "Get a grip on your student government: vote Peter Handler." Lemons, lemonade, etc etc.
I recently saw a child in the emergency room named, I **** you not, Aryan Buzzard. Now, I might be proven wrong many years from now, but when you name a kid Aryan Buzzard, you've pretty much guaranteed that he won't grow up to be a civil rights lawyer.