Originally posted by Kaak
oooh john, so you are saying that there is actually less than 6 billion, possibly even a lot less, refined, and exxon refines almost a billion of it's own oil. And that helps your point how?
oooh john, so you are saying that there is actually less than 6 billion, possibly even a lot less, refined, and exxon refines almost a billion of it's own oil. And that helps your point how?
Can one of you math guys check that one out for me? Maybe run some regression analysis or something that will prove that 5 is, in fact, greater than 1.
Edit: Upon further review of the list...
Anyway, Kaak, you have proved to us that Exxon has, at most, 1.8 billion barrels of potential refining capacity a day, out of 13.552 billion barrels of potential capacity only counting those refineries that can produce 100,000 bb/d equivalent (the top 61 refiners). Again, maybe somebody will want to check my math, but this shows that Exxon has less than 13.2% of the refining capacity on that list.
Again, business-wise, this is not a "controlling" marketshare position, Kaak. Don't you ever run the numbers? You'd think after getting PWNED like you have you would be more careful than shoving some bull**** top-5 list out here and crying "See???"