Auw c'mon, you forgot at least one very interesting candidate.*
Oh yeah I forgot the best
Vladimiro Guadagno/Vladimir Luxuria
Motto: Hit song "Give it, give it, give it away" ("it" is the arse)
Famous for: Having a tv fight with Alessandra Mussolini
AM: Mr.Guadagno (guadagno means income in Italian) had the only real income by candidating himself and getting a parliamentary check every month
VG/VL: Stop referring me as "him" if you don't mind. I have my identity
AM: He/she, I don't know how really am I supposed to talk about this guy
VG/VL: You can refer to me as "them" if you like it better. Of course fascists never change.
AM: Better to be a fascist rather than a ******