Originally posted by lord of the mark
There is a more or less clear (at least in theory) division between the religious and the secular (render unto caesar that which is caesars) and religion transcends nationality (savior to the jews and also to the gentiles) These things are at the heart of Christianity.
Neither is really applicable to Jewish civilization. The religious sphere is interwoven with the secular sphere.
There is a more or less clear (at least in theory) division between the religious and the secular (render unto caesar that which is caesars) and religion transcends nationality (savior to the jews and also to the gentiles) These things are at the heart of Christianity.
Neither is really applicable to Jewish civilization. The religious sphere is interwoven with the secular sphere.
It's also fairly common for Christianity to be co-opted into national churches. The link between nation and church is obviously not as strong as with Judaism, but it's still there.