I was thinking...
about the war in Iraq... should the US maybe take it to the next level? I'm not talking about civilians or nukes or anything... no no no... but I had an idea that was inspired by the latest hostage that was killed.
What if there was a program, a top secret one obviously, where the US let the insurgent forces take single hostages... not a lot... but say, train a guy to be taken hostage. Give him an alternate identity... like a reporter, photographer, or missionary/aid worker... and then implant him with a tracking device... somewhere in his body. I'm sure that such devices exist.
Let him be taken hostage. And quite possibly, let it be assumed that he won't survive. For the purpose of this program, the sacrifice will be necessary. But as he is taken hostage, the tracking device lets US forces know where the insurgents are. This way, the US can mount an assault, or just bomb the building and destroy it, killing all the insurgents.
And then, let them take another hostage... and repeat...
Sure, this is a tough idea because it involves sending someone to be sacrificed. But let's think about this, they are taking hostages and killing them anyways. This way, we can send a sleeper in there, know their location, and take them out... possibly even capture some.
Eventually, the US kills enough of them that the insurgents are weakened... or they stop taking hostages.
I dunno... I doubt the US has the stomach for an operation like this... but in a war where thousands of US soldiers, many more thousands of civilians have died... what is a single life compared to how many can be saved if it brings an end to the violence?
I don't have a problem with this morally... but would such an operation be capable of working?
The insurgents, terrorists, whatever you want to call them, I think they firmly believe that America doesn't have the cajones to see this through... they can't stomach casualties. I mean, Americans aren't willing to blow themselves up for the cause... so how can the US hope to win? Maybe an operation like this will have an effect on the morale of the insurgents, as well as Al Qaeda and Islamic fundies in general. If they see Americans willing to be taken hostage and willing to sacrifice themselves to kill insurgents like this... I think it would definitely have a crushing effect on their psyche. It seems to me, they pride themselves as being tougher because they are willing to die and sacrifice themselves by blowing themselves up in order to kill people (suicide bombers). Well, this isn't quite the same as that, but in essence, maybe it is.
anyways... thoughts?
about the war in Iraq... should the US maybe take it to the next level? I'm not talking about civilians or nukes or anything... no no no... but I had an idea that was inspired by the latest hostage that was killed.
What if there was a program, a top secret one obviously, where the US let the insurgent forces take single hostages... not a lot... but say, train a guy to be taken hostage. Give him an alternate identity... like a reporter, photographer, or missionary/aid worker... and then implant him with a tracking device... somewhere in his body. I'm sure that such devices exist.
Let him be taken hostage. And quite possibly, let it be assumed that he won't survive. For the purpose of this program, the sacrifice will be necessary. But as he is taken hostage, the tracking device lets US forces know where the insurgents are. This way, the US can mount an assault, or just bomb the building and destroy it, killing all the insurgents.
And then, let them take another hostage... and repeat...
Sure, this is a tough idea because it involves sending someone to be sacrificed. But let's think about this, they are taking hostages and killing them anyways. This way, we can send a sleeper in there, know their location, and take them out... possibly even capture some.
Eventually, the US kills enough of them that the insurgents are weakened... or they stop taking hostages.
I dunno... I doubt the US has the stomach for an operation like this... but in a war where thousands of US soldiers, many more thousands of civilians have died... what is a single life compared to how many can be saved if it brings an end to the violence?
I don't have a problem with this morally... but would such an operation be capable of working?
The insurgents, terrorists, whatever you want to call them, I think they firmly believe that America doesn't have the cajones to see this through... they can't stomach casualties. I mean, Americans aren't willing to blow themselves up for the cause... so how can the US hope to win? Maybe an operation like this will have an effect on the morale of the insurgents, as well as Al Qaeda and Islamic fundies in general. If they see Americans willing to be taken hostage and willing to sacrifice themselves to kill insurgents like this... I think it would definitely have a crushing effect on their psyche. It seems to me, they pride themselves as being tougher because they are willing to die and sacrifice themselves by blowing themselves up in order to kill people (suicide bombers). Well, this isn't quite the same as that, but in essence, maybe it is.
anyways... thoughts?