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Who's the smartest person you know?

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  • #46
    Mensa members are people so insecure about their intelligence that they need an outside organization to validate themselves.

    Quite sad really. Especially if you've seen the entry test.
    Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
    RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


    • #47
      Originally posted by DaShi

      Somehow I doubt that.
      "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

      Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005


      • #48
        Originally posted by joncha

        the smartest person I ever met was this physics guy I met... he was from Turkey... he worked for some big time lab like Fermilab or something around the Chicago area. I forgot his name. I talked with him outside of class. He wasn't the prof for the class, but a special guest speaker who came in for a couple classes to talk to us. It was nice to be able to talk to someone as smart as him.

        However, I've not met anyone who I thought was smarter than me... in terms of IQ, ability, potential, and just pure intelligence. Sure, lots of people know more than me in their specific fields of expertise. I'm only 25. I don't claim to be knowledgeable of all things. But when talking about how "smart" someone is, there are different ways to measure this.

        I can sit down and compete against anyone with some kind of test with lots of math problems, visual tests, basically, the stuff that's on IQ tests... and I can get the answers faster than anyone I've ever known. Learning is not a problem for me. I could pick up any textbook of any subject and learn the material if I wanted to.

        Originally posted by

        It seems a lot of people are confusing "cleverness" with "knowing a large body of knowledge." These two are not the same. Granted, you can't be very stupid and learn a whole lot, particularly across various fields.

        Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.

        In terms of "a large body of knowledge", that physics guy I mentioned was definitely the smartest person I've ever met.

        But in terms of just being a smart person. I've not met anyone better than myself yet.
        To us, it is the BEAST.


        • #49
          Originally posted by -Jrabbit
          Mensa members are people so insecure about their intelligence that they need an outside organization to validate themselves.

          Quite sad really. Especially if you've seen the entry test.
          Anyone who needs an organisation to tell them they are smart is actually kidding themselves.
          "the bigger the smile, the sharper the knife"
          "Every now and again, declare peace. it confuses the hell out of your enemies."


          • #50
            Originally posted by DAVOUT

            She has to, her husband spends all his time on Apolyton.
            He's got the Midas touch.
            But he touched it too much!
            Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


            • #51
              It's hard to really judge. My criteria in the absence of a more objective standard would be superior intelligence in a number of fields. My friend Bart from college scored in the high 1500s on his SATs and never gave me a reason to doubt his abilities in a number of areas. He built an EEG out of a surplus U.S. Army WW2 teletype, an earing and a circuit board he soldered together while he was in med school. Just for fun. Here in Boulder I've known a number of PhD candidates who were geniuses. Nuri got his PhD in Electrical Engineering. He's a Turk who was one of the top 50 students in the country. He's also quite curious and knowledgaeble in history, music, chemistry and biology. Mike got his PhD in Physical Chemistry, went to work at a research lab, hated it and went to law school. He does patent law now. Tony got his PhD in Biochemistry, but honestly he could have gotten a PhD in a number of fields with equal ease. He introduced me to Tom Cech, one of CU's 3 Nobel Prize winners.
              He's got the Midas touch.
              But he touched it too much!
              Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


              • #52
                Originally posted by Urban Ranger
                It seems a lot of people are confusing "cleverness" with "knowing a large body of knowledge." These two are not the same. Granted, you can't be very stupid and learn a whole lot, particularly across various fields.

                For a first approximation I define "cleverness" as "mental agility." That's how such a person recognise and react to some emerging situation.

                I probably left out a whole lot in there somewhere.
                More or less what I would have said. Taking that into account, the 'smartest' person I know is one of my philosophy lecturers. I've read things he has published and am genuinely impressed - nothing usually impresses me. I do not know his qualifications, I do not know if he went to Oxbridge and I do not know how much he earns. But I respect him enormously and realise he is 'better' in terms of intelligence than I, or anyone else I have met, will ever be.

                A lot of people have called me smart on account of my IQ - but I wasted it on a degree in English so I can't be that smart really
                Desperados of the world, unite. You have nothing to lose but your dignity.......


                • #53
                  but I wasted it on a degree in English
                  Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                  RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms

