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I'm a nice guy, but I am very hostile.

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  • Originally posted by Japher
    And your whole argument with PH has nothing to do with what he said. You just turn around and attack him, once again attacking the validity of the statement and not the accusation itself.

    Also, you once again prove why your ego is a problem.
    PH is giving advice on personality and social skills. What he said is a direct result of what he's done with his personality and social skills, which amounts to jack sh*t.

    He's in no position to be giving advice.

    Don't you guys know it's not polite to give advice to someone who did not ask for it? Come on, I thought you were the polite ones. The best part, of course, is Rich referring to me as "kid" in his "advice".
    "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
    Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


    • He's in no position to be giving advice.
      could you not argue the advice instead of trying to discredit that advice by attacking the one who gave it?


      • Originally posted by Japher
        could you not argue the advice instead of trying to discredit that advice by attacking the one who gave it?
        It was patently sh*t to begin with. It's a waste of time and bandwidth to respond, but because you insist:

        It's all about dignity, as LOTM said. But a lot of bosses aren't going to be that blunt anyway and will request something is done otherwise they are going to court hostility, and the job will be done begrudgingly and in a half-arsed manner, and in the long run, you may end up in losing employees. But you seem to have great difficulty seeing what is plain old instinct to most.
        So his advice in the first paragraph is what? Oh, there is none. He's just taking a shot at me in the last sentence.

        That is both sociable and polite on behalf of Rich. He's off to a good start.

        But don't be under the illusion that this is somehow OK if you happen to be more intelligent than average. I have no problem whatsoever with social situations - actually I would consider myself to be somewhat a master of your so-called 'protocol', it's why I can manage people and motivate them and I doubt you could, which is a major career killer too...don't think that somehow just being technically competent will see you to the top because it won't. Your arrogance in your capability is misplaced.
        Here his advice is: "I can manage people, doubt you can! That's a career killer! Your arrogance is misplaced!"

        He has no advice, he's being a little sh*t but disguising it under a very thin layer of politeness. It even fooled you, Japher...

        PH is the classic example of everything I hate about politeness. He's not being kind, he's not being nice, he's using politeness to cover up shots at people -- and too many people on Apolyton don't even notice it.
        "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
        Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


        • Originally posted by Asher

          Yes, I have.

          I spent the summer of 2002 working at Voodoo Computers, building, validating, and supporting their highend PC systems.

          I spent the summer of 2003 as a freelance developer, and made a lot of money making a program for a small business in Calgary.

          I spent 16 months working on a team given the same responsibilities as the other full time employees. I was offered a job upon graduation with IBM as well. I had a frickin' user account on BlueGene/L, ASC Purple, and a bunch of other supercomputers. I was in regular contact with the director of LLNL. I gave a presentation infront of ~300 IBMers about potential ways to improve the design of the compiler, including executives and an IBM Fellow.
          Summer jobs and a CV recital...that stuff could mean anything, including just walking in with the boss's coffee when these things were happening. Get a sense of perspective, you're going to be a little programmer stuck in front of a computer for the rest of your life tapping in code with no prospects because no one can stand your overinflated ego. If you're this obnoxious in real life, you're stuck sunshine, really stuck. But only you don't seem to realise this.

          I consider the last one, especially, a real job. And they want me back, so what can I say? I dealt with high-profile customers daily and they want me back -- maybe I don't need your advice...
          It wasn't advice, it was fact. I'd like to see you in 20 years time and see where you have got with that waaay overinflated ego of yours.

          What friends? MikeH and the gang at Counterglow, that constantly mock you by posting the picture of you smashed, in the corner of a pub, looking about 600lbs?
          Perhaps the thing is that I can also laugh about myself and not be a complete arsehole? Actually I don't think you are fully aware of the consensus on you at Counterglow. In fact with how you are reviled be all the regulars, without a damn exception, I am surprised you could show your face there. And the same applies here too.

          I have become good friends with many members of this community, but that is not just the extent of my social life, nowhere near. There are friends from school I still stay in touch with, but it is hard with the distance, or friends from former work places. There are university friends, one of which I am very close to and was his best man just over a year ago at his wedding. I know that I have left an impact on people's lives for being me, for being a damn good friend to many people, with a good heart. I would think that if I dropped dead now, many people would be damn upset. What would you leave Asher? I know that if I received news of your death, I don't think there would be much loss felt.

          As for this community, you just hang around on it's shores like a bit of driftwood, never really understanding that perhaps is a community here. You probably wouldn't comprehend that. And we're talking IRL here...look at the London Polymeet thread, we all meet up for drinks on a regular basis, and anyone is welcome, and we are welcoming. I probably wouldn't be keen on extending that invitation to you, however...
          Speaking of Erith:

          "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


          • For most Asher, I would express concern and give advice, but for you, no, you are one of the very few exceptions where there are no second chances. And if you think I am alone in my view of you, you are very much mistaken.
            Speaking of Erith:

            "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


            • this thread = entertainment.
              "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

              "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton


              • Originally posted by Provost Harrison
                Summer jobs and a CV recital...that stuff could mean anything, including just walking in with the boss's coffee when these things were happening. Get a sense of perspective, you're going to be a little programmer stuck in front of a computer for the rest of your life tapping in code with no prospects because no one can stand your overinflated ego. If you're this obnoxious in real life, you're stuck sunshine, really stuck. But only you don't seem to realise this.
                That's because it's BS. I know how to control the arrogance in situations such as a place of business.

                And considering my job in September at IBM isn't even a programming job...I doubt I'll be programming. I'm joining a systems architecture team.

                You're taking my image on Apolyton and thinking that's what I'm like in the business world. Do you really think I'd land a job at IBM, last the full 16 months interacting with customers regularly, if I acted exactly like I do here?

                I can tailor my behavior and personality to meet the situation, such as in a business environment. I consider myself pretty good at management, not only because of the management psychology courses I've taken, but because for 3 of my courses where we had groups of 12 to work on semester project, I've been elected the project lead.

                I've got the technical competence, the social skills, and the managerial instinct to get jobs done...and that's why I have no problems getting jobs, and that's why I've got a more successful life than you in virtually any way you want to look at it.

                Perhaps the thing is that I can also laugh about myself and not be a complete arsehole? Actually I don't think you are fully aware of the consensus on you at Counterglow. In fact with how you are reviled be all the regulars, without a damn exception, I am surprised you could show your face there. And the same applies here too.
                I'm well aware I'm not well liked here or there, but do you see that phasing me?

                You see, Rich, the difference between me and you is I've got balls. You're passive agressive and regularly evoke feelings of pity by your fellow posters, but I don't think you even know it. Everyone knows you're lonely, everyone knows just how bad your sense of humour is but how hard you try, people are just too polite to say anything about it. Which is a shame, really, because it's starting to make you look like a lost puppy.
                "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                • I've got a more successful life than you in virtually any way you want to look at it
                  Oh, oh PH... I think he might be right on that one;

                  Type 2 keywords and click on the 'Fight !' button. The winner is the one which gets best visibility on Google.


                  • Originally posted by Provost Harrison
                    For most Asher, I would express concern and give advice, but for you, no, you are one of the very few exceptions where there are no second chances. And if you think I am alone in my view of you, you are very much mistaken.
                    Here's some blunt advice for you, Rich: The best managers are successful people themselves, and gain the respect of their employees.

                    When people look at you, I highly doubt the first word in their mind is "success"...

                    You're the kind of manager people would mock. I would love to be in the room when you tell a joke.

                    Ever see The Office (UK or US)? You're starting to sound like Ricky Gervais/Steve Carell with your confidence in your management skills.
                    "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                    Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                    • Originally posted by Asher

                      That's because it's BS. I know how to control the arrogance in situations such as a place of business.

                      And considering my job in September at IBM isn't even a programming job...I doubt I'll be programming. I'm joining a systems architecture team.

                      You're taking my image on Apolyton and thinking that's what I'm like in the business world. Do you really think I'd land a job at IBM, last the full 16 months interacting with customers regularly, if I acted exactly like I do here?

                      I can tailor my behavior and personality to meet the situation, such as in a business environment. I consider myself pretty good at management, not only because of the management psychology courses I've taken, but because for 3 of my courses where we had groups of 12 to work on semester project, I've been elected the project lead.
                      Really? So you are going to leave us to fill in between the lines. You are so incredibly full of crap you wouldn't believe.

                      I've got the technical competence, the social skills, and the managerial instinct to get jobs done...and that's why I have no problems getting jobs, and that's why I've got a more successful life than you in virtually any way you want to look at it.
                      Put that on your CV and you're doing fine, but the rest of us aren't convinced You're a sad little social ****** Asher, and don't forget it. You have nothing enviable whatsoever.

                      I'm well aware I'm not well liked here or there, but do you see that phasing me?

                      You see, Rich, the difference between me and you is I've got balls. You're passive agressive and regularly evoke feelings of pity by your fellow posters, but I don't think you even know it. Everyone knows you're lonely, everyone knows just how bad your sense of humour is but how hard you try, people are just too polite to say anything about it. Which is a shame, really, because it's starting to make you look like a lost puppy.
                      Again, you don't know a thing about me. I have been more honest with people than I should have been rather than spewing a bunch of exaggerated bullsh*t like you have just done. You're just an ego with no substance, and no matter how many of these little demonstration of your 'magnificence' you post, no one is remotely convinced. The only person you are really trying to impress is yourself and massage your own weak ego. I think you have very little knowledge of what other people think about you, after all, you have just described yourself as having higher-level autism so you probably have no concept of what people think of you. The only reason you know you are not liked here is because it is easier for people to tell you because it is not face to face. You know, you should be very grateful people are polite in real life, because I am curious what they are probably saying about you behind your back.

                      You've got the personality only a mother could, well, just about grow to tolerate over time
                      Speaking of Erith:

                      "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


                      • C0ckney

                        Generally, I am with LC on this one. And most people IRL call me honest too. I am completely honest, but probably not brutal about it. And I think there is a difference. It's the same difference as is constructive criticism, and simply mockery and ridicule for the sake of ridicule.

                        I, too, prefer that people will be honest when speaking to me rather than they put on masks and fake a "polite" smile - however I don't think I have to choose between dealing with fake *******s/sycophants, and people who offer nothing more than disdain and contempt in their words.

                        Both of those kinds of people are *******s. You don't have to be one of them.


                        • Originally posted by Japher

                          Oh, oh PH... I think he might be right on that one;


                          Type 2 keywords and click on the 'Fight !' button. The winner is the one which gets best visibility on Google.
                          DISCLAIMER: the author of the above written texts does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for any offence and insult; disrespect, arrogance and related forms of demeaning behaviour; discrimination based on race, gender, age, income class, body mass, living area, political voting-record, football fan-ship and musical preference; insensitivity towards material, emotional or spiritual distress; and attempted emotional or financial black-mailing, skirt-chasing or death-threats perceived by the reader of the said written texts.


                          • Originally posted by Asher

                            Here's some blunt advice for you, Rich: The best managers are successful people themselves, and gain the respect of their employees.

                            When people look at you, I highly doubt the first word in their mind is "success"...

                            You're the kind of manager people would mock. I would love to be in the room when you tell a joke.

                            Ever see The Office (UK or US)? You're starting to sound like Ricky Gervais/Steve Carell with your confidence in your management skills.
                            Again Asher, you are projecting. You don't know the first thing about me.
                            Speaking of Erith:

                            "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


                            • Originally posted by Provost Harrison
                              Put that on your CV and you're doing fine, but the rest of us aren't convinced You're a sad little social ****** Asher, and don't forget it. You have nothing enviable whatsoever.
                              If you keep telling yourself that, you just may feel better. I'm not worried at all, but you seem to have a huge case of jealousy. After all, this is a recurring theme for you to emerge from the shadows to take swipes at me with curious regularity. You even insult my SO because it makes you feel a little better.

                              Again, you don't know a thing about me.
                              And why would anyone want to?

                              That's why you're alone, Rich.

                              When you don't got the looks, you need to have the charm and personality. Quite frankly, if we had a poll on who is the most dull person on Apolyton, you'd rank right up at the top along with MrFun.

                              You may be satisfied with your work at some pharmaceutical plant and coming home to live with your mother, but I aim higher.
                              "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                              Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                              • Originally posted by Asher

                                If you keep telling yourself that, you just may feel better. I'm not worried at all, but you seem to have a huge case of jealousy. After all, this is a recurring theme for you to emerge from the shadows to take swipes at me with curious regularity. You even insult my SO because it makes you feel a little better.

                                And why would anyone want to?

                                That's why you're alone, Rich.

                                When you don't got the looks, you need to have the charm and personality. Quite frankly, if we had a poll on who is the most dull person on Apolyton, you'd rank right up at the top along with MrFun.

                                You may be satisfied with your work at some pharmaceutical plant and coming home to live with your mother, but I aim higher.
                                Continuing to project...
                                Speaking of Erith:

                                "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith

