Originally posted by Winston
No, it's just that you seemed to complain an awful lot about some people, such as my humble self, not feeling like acquainting themselves with this film.

No, it's just that you seemed to complain an awful lot about some people, such as my humble self, not feeling like acquainting themselves with this film.
I'm not complaining; simply stating that I find your reasons disingenuous at best, inadequate at worst.
It's a reductio ad absurdum to make Ang Lee's film or E. Annie Proulx's novella 'gay people's personal problems' and then compare the film (unfairly, as you haven't seen it) with a documentary about breast cancer!
Some things you give a damn about, others, like gay dramas playing in the theatre in perfect accordance with the mainstream ephemeral interest in these matters...
I had, given our previous correspondences, perhaps expected better- that's all.