After all, are you not yourself murdering the murderer? What gives you that right, especially if murder itself is such a heinous crime?
Surely isn't it better punishment to incarcerate someone for life so that they can live with their crimes for the rest of their lives?
Winston's accusation on another thread that, to paraphrase him, lefties are more bloodthirsty than rightists just doesn't ring true to me...
Surely it is the lefties that are generally against the death penalty and therefore less bloodthirsty, than the rightists that seem overwhelmingly in favour of the DP.
Indeed, by this definition doesn't the right want to kill all its enemies it gets its hands on?
Surely isn't it better punishment to incarcerate someone for life so that they can live with their crimes for the rest of their lives?
Winston's accusation on another thread that, to paraphrase him, lefties are more bloodthirsty than rightists just doesn't ring true to me...
Surely it is the lefties that are generally against the death penalty and therefore less bloodthirsty, than the rightists that seem overwhelmingly in favour of the DP.
Indeed, by this definition doesn't the right want to kill all its enemies it gets its hands on?