Over-hyped, naturally. 
Naw, the flood stage on the Truckee River just before it flows east out of Sparks is 15.7 feet, and it crested about a foot over that yesterday I think (Sunday). Some streets just had standing water throughout Reno/Sparks and at least 2 major sinkholes formed; one well-north of Sparks along Pyramid highway and the other somewhere near Carson City. This flooding was nothing like what we had in '97. I just wish they were. That smurfing train trench (aka Reno's Folly) opened a few weeks ago. God how I wish that thing would completely flood. Some of the city politicians that squandered taxpayer money on it are still in office and as such could face severe backlash should it flood ... as sane people have been warning it would for years as it was being built. Hell, just the water table is already causing problems for it. They had to do more pumping than they originally planned because of it. Flood, dammit. FLOOD!!1 I want heads to roll for Reno's Folly!

Naw, the flood stage on the Truckee River just before it flows east out of Sparks is 15.7 feet, and it crested about a foot over that yesterday I think (Sunday). Some streets just had standing water throughout Reno/Sparks and at least 2 major sinkholes formed; one well-north of Sparks along Pyramid highway and the other somewhere near Carson City. This flooding was nothing like what we had in '97. I just wish they were. That smurfing train trench (aka Reno's Folly) opened a few weeks ago. God how I wish that thing would completely flood. Some of the city politicians that squandered taxpayer money on it are still in office and as such could face severe backlash should it flood ... as sane people have been warning it would for years as it was being built. Hell, just the water table is already causing problems for it. They had to do more pumping than they originally planned because of it. Flood, dammit. FLOOD!!1 I want heads to roll for Reno's Folly!
