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Pope to change D&D cosmology

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Jon Miller
    umm, there is no biblical reason to beleive in Limbo

    :d: on this

    Exactly right. The church invented it to scare people into joining and being baptised by it for fear of the alternative.
    Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


    • #47
      Wait a minute. How can you say "religion is the only unhealthy obsession" in a thread where people are busily arguing over technicalities from a thirty-year-old pen-and-paper syncretistic Tolkien-ripoff of a game? I know there are dungeon-people out there who spend far more than ten percent of their income on rulebooks and little metal figurines and crap like that.
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      • #48
        Originally posted by Dr Strangelove
        Any word on purgatory yet?

        Originally posted by Sikander
        The rumor is at a minimum they are going to include some bathrooms and some benches, perhaps a snack bar.

        Originally posted by Lonestar
        But the kind where they charge $4 for a Hotdog.

        I should have realized that is the key to understanding it all. This is just one step in a much bigger plan. Purgatory was a profit center for Godâ„¢'s Church. "When the coin in the coffer rings, out from Purgatory the soul springs!"

        Sure, after Luther raised a fuss they officially stopped the selling of indulgences. But you know (and most importantly they know) they still collect a ton of guilt money. Especially from desperate grannies praying for the family hellions.

        They weren't making money off Limbo back in the old days because they'd converted all of Europe and everyone was baptized as infants. All except those pesky j00s (and idolators in foreign places ) but who would pray for those children to be delivered from Limbo, much less pay money for it?

        That, plus praying for those "enemies" gets in the way of enduring antisemitic traditions and other hatred that the Church capitalizes on in other ways.
        So, what we really see here is the inability of the RCC to capitalize on the popular belief in Limbo, and therefore they wish to eliminate it and will soon be offering a substitute doctrine which can become another profit center.
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        • #49
          Originally posted by MOBIUS
          Originally posted by Jon Miller
          umm, there is no biblical reason to beleive in Limbo

          Exactly right. The church invented it to scare people into joining and being baptised by it for fear of the alternative.

          Seriously, no. Limbo came about because of their teachings on baptism. The stillborn and other cases where a child died unbaptized caused a theological dilemma (can't say they are damned, can't say they go to heaven).

          Originally posted by Elok
          Wait a minute. How can you say "religion is the only unhealthy obsession" in a thread where people are busily arguing over technicalities from a thirty-year-old pen-and-paper syncretistic Tolkien-ripoff of a game? I know there are dungeon-people out there who spend far more than ten percent of their income on rulebooks and little metal figurines and crap like that.

          Yeah, that's what's got Mobius' goat. If he could get in on the money, maybe invent a religion like L. Ron Hubbard did, or invent a game with an equally fanatical following, he'd change his tune.
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          (='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
          (")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)

