ID is not creationism. Some religious people have tried to make it a religious theory by trying to say that the "intelligent designer" is this god or that god, but ID is not a religious theory. ID doe not identify who the "designer" is.
Well, if you checked my link, you'd see that Dr. Alek Kwitko is an atheist scientist who supports ID.
ID has caused real debate in the scientific community about how science is marketed (for want of a better word). This shows how something totally without grounding can be accepted as fact by significant portions of the general public if it's marketed correctly.

The other problem is that the general public isn't scientifically literate enough to tell the difference between pseudoscience like ID and real science. If you make it sound complicated enough, they might well believe it!
Plus the general standard of science reporting in mainstream media is appalling.
Plus the general standard of science reporting in mainstream media is appalling.
The designer must be more complex than the complex system of life on earth he created, so who designed the designer?
I think ID fundamentally has more merit as an idea than creationism. If the creationists move to IDism, then that's progress in my book.
So you think that scientists should organize and enter the "culture war" in earnest, then? Because scientists taking an active role in educating the public about science *will* trigger an aggressive response from the fundies.
In my opinion, its not just science per se we need to be teaching, though the competant teaching of human knowledge is very important. We also need to teach people scientific method and the method of critical analysis which enables them to distinguish between bull**** and genuine arguments.