Originally posted by Dr Strangelove
There is also the utterly ruthless tactics used by Islamic groups in recent years. They're willing to committ suicide in order to take out a number of the enemy. How does one fight such tactics unless one is willing to sink to their level? If radical Islamic groups ever sincerely take up the crusade to seize control of Europe and use these tactics God only knows whether the liberal tolerant European culture that you take for granted will survive, because the only way to win against such tactics is to sink to their level. You would have to throw away your legal code and wage a war of attrition. Even if you won it would be difficult to return to the way things were before.
There is also the utterly ruthless tactics used by Islamic groups in recent years. They're willing to committ suicide in order to take out a number of the enemy. How does one fight such tactics unless one is willing to sink to their level? If radical Islamic groups ever sincerely take up the crusade to seize control of Europe and use these tactics God only knows whether the liberal tolerant European culture that you take for granted will survive, because the only way to win against such tactics is to sink to their level. You would have to throw away your legal code and wage a war of attrition. Even if you won it would be difficult to return to the way things were before.
The veneer of civilization is only skin deep, even in the sophisticated countries of Europe. Our barbaric identity is only lightly subsumed below the surface. Thankfully, it doesn't surface often anymore. Let's remember; no other group of countries has been as successful at genocide as the European powers (sadly). It's not our finest moment but those are the facts. If pushed I believe that European society would mentally accommodate the changes necessary for conflict.
Yes, it's true; we would have to sink to a morally dubious level to completely negate Islamic terrorism but at the end of the day it's all relative. Great Britain was hardly a shining beacon of liberty in WW2, but compared to Hitler's Germany it's policies were beneficent. After the battle was won things could return to the way they were - as you say it wouldn't be easy, but it can be done. Look again at WW2 as an example. We wouldn't quite have to sink to their level to win, but we'd have to surrender a few of our principles for a while.
What I can't understand why these terrorists are trying to promote a clash of civilizations between the West and Islam. It makes no sense - with the West's overwhelming superiority we could wipe Islam off the face of the planet if we truly got upset enough. Bizarre. Momma always said don't pick fights you can't win.
Thankfully, I can't see anything like this happening in the future, as people like Sammy Bin Laden and Datajack Fruit still represent the fringe views of society.