Does that help?.
Not really.
No problem.
What the qoute used by Toynbee is refering to was his use of comparaitve history, a fairly new concept when he used it and one found to have wide appeal and intrest. He was not a racist himself, nor was his intent to disparage or denigrate other cultures or civilizations, meerly use a method of study to prove his theorys of how and why civilizations fall, ie from internal conflicts, racism and nationlism being part of those conflicts a society was unable to control.
When Dr M L King gave talks useing Toynbee works he was not saying the work was a racist attack from science on negros, but that others were useing it as such. Its those and science itself, MLK and Malcom X comment on, for instance if a study concludes negros bone density is heavier than caucasion and this co9ntributes to them being less efiecent swimmers, its not a racist study but simply facts, what negros objected to was not the fatcs, but how, and why they were collected and used, ie intent.
If Toynbee had deliberatly set out to make a point that negros civilization was inferior to others on a set of bench marks, then he would be a cultural racist. which you would gety the impresion from by reading Wiki, but he was not, and MLK and others did not claim he was, they did however make the point that racist attitude existed in the scientific methods of some, and that this also must change.
An example of cultural racism would be the Uk BNP use of Toynbee works on the inteliegence of negros compared to whites, comparative achievements of non white civilizations and so on to argue the superiority of the white race over others, and of course that white culture is superior.
Facts are always neading to be intpretatated, if the intent of that intpretatation is to denigrate, insult etc then its a racist intpretation, but if its to simply show that level of difference bewteen them, its a celibration of diversification of mankind, and not racist al all.
What you speak of are two scenarios out of many:
-Comparitive history as a tool of a biased demagogue.
-Comparitive history as a tool of finding differences to celebrate.
These are just two scenarios out of many - that make me fear that what in actuality you do is that you have to adhere to the second path, unless you want to be branded as one following the first path.
I reject this binary notion, and think that it's ignorant.
When one comparitively analyzes cultures and societies and passes judgement on one of them, it hasn't anything to do with racism. The notion of racism is a very clearly established one, and it's connection to the cultural discussion is on a clearly demagogic level - as a connection of cause and effect, one that has little to no support in science.