Originally posted by child of Thor
I think most of us know already that both our countries secret services have and do use torture methods to extract information. Hand on heart we know it goes on, but publically is denounced. IRA years? South America etc?
I think the thinking might be that as we do it already, and have it done back to us, then why not remove the red tape that makes it harder for our countries to get the answers they want out of a suspect?
I think most of us know already that both our countries secret services have and do use torture methods to extract information. Hand on heart we know it goes on, but publically is denounced. IRA years? South America etc?
I think the thinking might be that as we do it already, and have it done back to us, then why not remove the red tape that makes it harder for our countries to get the answers they want out of a suspect?
Torture is being practiced by our government agencies at a systematic level. It's not just a bunch of isolated incidents or a couple of bad apples. This includes both "real torture"

But to try and change the laws to sanction it--to ENCOURAGE it--takes it to alarming levels that borderline on madness.

We tell the world how bad other leaders are because of their mistreatment of people, we go in, clear those places, and then...torture and mistreat people.
What's most disgusting is McCain was tortured as a POW.
This is the most incompetent Administration in our history.