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Iraq says Zarqawi sending some militants back home to commit terrorist acts.

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  • Iraq says Zarqawi sending some militants back home to commit terrorist acts.

    Reuters is reporting that Iraqi Islamists wish to widen their jihad and are returning foreign fighters to their countries of origin. The goal is for these people to take the bomb making and tactics they learned in Iraq and to start Islamic revolutions in other Arab states.
    By Suleiman al-Khalidi

    AMMAN (Reuters) - Foreign al Qaeda militants waging a campaign of suicide car bombings in Iraq plan to send some fighters home in preparation for similar operations in their own countries, the Iraqi interior minister said on Sunday.

    Interior Minister Bayan Jabor said documents found with Abu Azzam, said to be a lieutenant of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the most wanted man in Iraq, signaled a plan to send foreign Arab Sunni militants back home to widen the battlefield beyond Iraq.

    "We got hold of a very important letter from Abu Azzam to Zarqawi asking him to begin to move a number of Arab fighters to the countries they came from to transfer their experience in car bombings in Iraq," Jabor told Reuters in an interview in Amman.

    "So you will see insurgencies in other countries," said Jabor, a member of the Shi'ite Islamist SCIRI party, a key component of the Shi'ite- and Kurdish-led coalition government.

    U.S. and Iraqi forces tracked Abu Azzam, an Iraqi, and killed him last week dealing what a U.S. commander called a serious blow to the group responsible for some of the biggest suicide attacks over the past two years.

    Hundreds of Islamist fighters had already left Iraq in recent months, Jabor said, though security forces were also braced for a spike in car bomb attacks ahead of October 15's referendum on a post-Saddam Hussein constitution.

    Jabor's own brother was kidnapped in Baghdad on Saturday, police sources said. The minister did not comment.

    Iraq's leaders have urged fellow Arab governments, including Jordan, Syria and Saudi Arabia, to do more to help.


    The new administration in Baghdad has struggled to win acceptance from the Sunni leaders of the rest of the Arab world, however, who remain suspicious of its dependence on Washington and sectarian ties to non-Arab, Shi'ite Iran.

    Jabor said intelligence indicated some Arab militants had already left Iraq after losing ground during last month's assault by U.S. and Iraqi forces on the northern town of Tal Afar, where more than 1,500 insurgents were captured.

    "They are leaving Iraq to transfer their training skills in car bombings to their original countries," he said.

    Iraq has become a magnet for Islamic militants similar to Soviet-occupied Afghanistan two decades ago, U.S. and Arab security officials say.

    While the Afghan war against the Soviets was largely fought on a rural battlefield, security officials say Iraq is providing extremists with more comprehensive skills including training in operations for populated areas.

    But Jabor said Zarqawi's recruitment of Iraqi militants such as Abu Azzam indicated more Iraqis could be joining al Qaeda, even though many local insurgents owe their loyalties to tribal and other nationalist leaders rather than foreign Islamists.

    "Some of the experience has been transferred to Iraqis like Abu Azzam and others, but I believe some of the leaders of the Arab Afghans will remain in Iraq," Jabor added, referring to foreign Arabs, like the Jordanian Zarqawi, who had operated in Afghanistan alongside the likes of Osama bin Laden.

    Zarqawi's influence on the overall insurgency was also diminishing with rise of other Iraqi groups, Jabor added.

    "Zarqawi is no longer important in my view. His worth or importance has ended with the confusion that is happening where there are now Iraqis and others (in the insurgency)," he said.


    Jabor said foreign Arab militants now numbered less than 1,000 compared to between 2,500 and 3,000 six months ago. They were much weaker but readier to inflict more civilian casualties: "There are indications of a sharp weakening of the capabilities of the insurgents," Jabor said.

    Citing intelligence reports, Jabor said effectiveness of insurgent operations dropped to a of low 25 percent from 80 percent in terms of killing designated targets, primarily with a sharp drop in attacks on Iraqi security forces although attacks against U.S. forces had not fallen.

    But Jabor warned that insurgents were escalating violence in the run up to the referendum to sow fear among Iraqis.

    "They will do their best until next week to increase attacks ... to scare Iraqis not to participate," Jabor said.

    But they were targeting civilian areas outside the main cities and in villages where Iraqi forces had a lesser presence than in the capital Baghdad and the major cities, he said.

    Iraqi authorities already had a plan to implement a two pronged plan that involved extensive searches in the capital.

    "There is a public plan and a secret one; the secret one will be very effective in preventing the terrorists from reaching the polling stations," Jabor said.

    "We will do house to house searches to find car bombs because we have information that they want to store them in homes before curfew and then use them in Baghdad."
    Try for discussion and debate.

  • #2
    So does anyone believe Bush's line that the war in Iraq will make the world safer? It seems the anti-war people were right all along and all that happened is Iraq became a huge recruiting tool and training ground for Islamic terrorists. Bush's little war has made the world far less safe and the chicken hawks who supported it need to be keelhauled. If the Democrats can't use these to point out how screwed up the neo-con chicken hawks are then they are hopeless.
    Try for discussion and debate.


    • #3
      All the more reason NOT to pull out of Iraq: We fight the terrorists there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... and there... we don't have to fight them here.

      Unless, of course, they're crossing the border from Mexico. Or Canada. Thank God we have armed vigilantes to protect us from... uh... strawberry pickers and hockey fans. Eh, chico?
      The cake is NOT a lie. It's so delicious and moist.

      The Weighted Companion Cube is cheating on you, that slut.


      • #4
        Learning by doing.

        Though, that propably does not apply to the actuall execution of suicide bombings.
        I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


        • #5
          But to bomb making and bomb placing or learning how to run terrorist groups it is ideal.
          Try for discussion and debate.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Oerdin
            If the Democrats can't use these to point out how screwed up the neo-con chicken hawks are then they are hopeless.
            For whom will you vote then? Cuz it's gonna play out that way.
            Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


            • #7
              Green or maybe even Peace & Freedom.
              Try for discussion and debate.


              • #8
                Last edited by Ted Striker; August 3, 2020, 18:25.
                We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


                • #9
                  Clearly we need to repeal the death tax.
                  To us, it is the BEAST.


                  • #10
                    Last edited by Ted Striker; August 3, 2020, 18:25.
                    We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


                    • #11
                      I fear for what is going to be unleashed next. The next generation of terrorists being trained in Iraq is going to make Al-Queda look like a bunch of amatuers.

                      Agreed. With their expertise, every unsecured weapons cache in America will soon be converted into IEDs that will kill thousands on American roadways. We better get ready to reap the whirlwind.
                      KH FOR OWNER!
                      ASHER FOR CEO!!
                      GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Ted Striker
                        ZOMG Sava is with teh TEARRUHSTS
                        no silly... if you object to repealing teh death tax, then you are with teh tearruhsts!!!

                        WE CANB' TEL LET TEH TERAHRUSTS WIN!
                        To us, it is the BEAST.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Drake Tungsten

                          Agreed. With their expertise, every unsecured weapons cache in America will soon be converted into IEDs that will kill thousands on American roadways. We better get ready to reap the whirlwind.
                          You'd be surprised with what you can buy with just a driver's license in some states.
                          To us, it is the BEAST.


                          • #14
                            Last edited by Ted Striker; August 3, 2020, 18:25.
                            We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


                            • #15
                              Last edited by Ted Striker; August 3, 2020, 18:26.
                              We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln

