Originally posted by Colon
Seriously, why assume there's any single "iron" criterium to be considered as European, and not a combination of factors? Turkey has a toehold in the geographic sense, and the remained also lies right next Europe; it shares a history ever since the Roman age (maybe even before); it is a secular country that's moving well towards EU standards of government; and it already has significant economic, political, cultural and sportive ties with EU current members.
Seriously, why assume there's any single "iron" criterium to be considered as European, and not a combination of factors? Turkey has a toehold in the geographic sense, and the remained also lies right next Europe; it shares a history ever since the Roman age (maybe even before); it is a secular country that's moving well towards EU standards of government; and it already has significant economic, political, cultural and sportive ties with EU current members.
I may add that the Ottoman Turks also have had a history of separating religion and government. There was sharia law for the Islamic population, but not so amongst the populations of other faiths. Moreover, the Ottoman state was largely developed along secular lines and it did not attempt to forcefully convert its subjects to Islam. Hence the Turks do not have a history of theocracy (unlike many Arab countries) and I seriously doubt Islamist extremists pose a danger to the secular state.