Yeah and they prolly thought CO was a Finn so they were in a bind with their language skills. But they are required to speak Swedish to you if that's what you speak, so ...
Driving bike while drunk isn't even a crime. It's like... what ever .. I'm surprised you even got a warning for that. But then again what's verbal warning, it's nothing so..
Yeah now that I look back at what happened last night, it was very weird. I got into 2 on 1 interrogation about my past, which surely is one of al capone's, and somehow they were arguing that I am a bad man with drugs on my mind or something.
But it's OK, I still trust the cops, respect the law and the law enforcement. I do take it into account that I look like a person who could wreck their patrol car just because. They hate those kind of people, who are difficult to ... submit, even though they aren't fighting back. It just glows around them, so they hate people like that I guess.
so the conclusion is, I got harrased because I'm too cool. Yes?
Driving bike while drunk isn't even a crime. It's like... what ever .. I'm surprised you even got a warning for that. But then again what's verbal warning, it's nothing so..
Yeah now that I look back at what happened last night, it was very weird. I got into 2 on 1 interrogation about my past, which surely is one of al capone's, and somehow they were arguing that I am a bad man with drugs on my mind or something.
But it's OK, I still trust the cops, respect the law and the law enforcement. I do take it into account that I look like a person who could wreck their patrol car just because. They hate those kind of people, who are difficult to ... submit, even though they aren't fighting back. It just glows around them, so they hate people like that I guess.
so the conclusion is, I got harrased because I'm too cool. Yes?