LOTM - To start off, to reiterate I very carefully stated "...the EU standards on human rights." That is a standard. We are violating it in all the areas I've mentioned - plus I forgot the laws preventing persons travel to have abortions (Ireland). You may disagree with them, as you do further in the post. And then you make a curious statement.
"...but I think making that a criterion of Human rights is an imposition of particular values." LOTM, any charter on Human rights is going to be exactly that. I will also argue ethically against it, as in self-consistantly versus an appeal to a Holy Book, that the DP is unethical so long as the process cannot be made error free, due to the consequences of error. But that's for another thread - and it has been, many many many threads.
Plus, you have ignored through two posts now my statements about Native Americans. Care to look up the case against the two Native Americans that were lost their jobs due to their participation in the Native American Church. Dirty Pagans. SCOTUS supported that in it was roughly 1992. (and the United Council of Chrurches, with both Jews and main-stream Christian faiths filed a brief supporting the Native Americans). Do I need to go further?
Now, to gays. Lets look at this record you so glibly say is going well. Now lets change the wording from Gay to Jew.
Jews (Gays) are forbidden to serve in the military unless they are willing to hide there status.
11 ballot initiatives in 2004 passed, and our President and his party, which holds majorities in the national legislature, support putting such a ban into the constitution. This ban would not recognize the Marraige or Union of Jews (Gays) and make them unconstitutional.
It was just in 1996 that we finally, with a 6-3 decision, found laws, that were quite widespread FYI, that specifically denied Jews (gays) due process. Even worse, two of those judges dissenting are still on the court, and it is highly probable that the next two justices will also consider this an issue of state's rights.
I could go on, and probably grate on your nerves even more. With the religious right taking ownership of this, and ceremonial deism, then there is nothing wrong with reacting to the symbolism unless people like yourself can take control of it back from them. Sadly, LOTM, if you look at the polls, conservative people of the Old Book, Christians, Jews, and Moslems all tend to support these measures that would limit gay rights.
I do not think you would be quite so blaise about it if POTM were potentially affected by these. The US is on a counter-trend, against inclusiveness and becoming more conservative, and there are mulitple organizations spending billions every year on exactly that. The only good indicator are the poll numbers on people under 30 and Gay Rghts (from my admittedly biased viewpoint).
And reference the fact the US is a Federal Republic - I've posted on that, with generally negative commentary. Yes I know, and with reference to that need I remind you who was lynched so that finally Southern lychings were brought to the forefront of the public's knowledge. It was a Jew (and I won't even go into the names they were called, and this was under a century ago). And we still didn't get anti-lynching legislation for another half a century. So no, you don't need to remind me that we are a Republic. Do I need to remind you all the terrible things we have done under the aegis of State's Rights (which brings me right back to Native Americans - full circle).
BTW, did you go and read Bower vs Hardwick? I can polst that next, and then extend my irritating transpostion of Gay and Jew even further.
"...but I think making that a criterion of Human rights is an imposition of particular values." LOTM, any charter on Human rights is going to be exactly that. I will also argue ethically against it, as in self-consistantly versus an appeal to a Holy Book, that the DP is unethical so long as the process cannot be made error free, due to the consequences of error. But that's for another thread - and it has been, many many many threads.

Plus, you have ignored through two posts now my statements about Native Americans. Care to look up the case against the two Native Americans that were lost their jobs due to their participation in the Native American Church. Dirty Pagans. SCOTUS supported that in it was roughly 1992. (and the United Council of Chrurches, with both Jews and main-stream Christian faiths filed a brief supporting the Native Americans). Do I need to go further?
Now, to gays. Lets look at this record you so glibly say is going well. Now lets change the wording from Gay to Jew.
Jews (Gays) are forbidden to serve in the military unless they are willing to hide there status.
11 ballot initiatives in 2004 passed, and our President and his party, which holds majorities in the national legislature, support putting such a ban into the constitution. This ban would not recognize the Marraige or Union of Jews (Gays) and make them unconstitutional.
It was just in 1996 that we finally, with a 6-3 decision, found laws, that were quite widespread FYI, that specifically denied Jews (gays) due process. Even worse, two of those judges dissenting are still on the court, and it is highly probable that the next two justices will also consider this an issue of state's rights.
I could go on, and probably grate on your nerves even more. With the religious right taking ownership of this, and ceremonial deism, then there is nothing wrong with reacting to the symbolism unless people like yourself can take control of it back from them. Sadly, LOTM, if you look at the polls, conservative people of the Old Book, Christians, Jews, and Moslems all tend to support these measures that would limit gay rights.
I do not think you would be quite so blaise about it if POTM were potentially affected by these. The US is on a counter-trend, against inclusiveness and becoming more conservative, and there are mulitple organizations spending billions every year on exactly that. The only good indicator are the poll numbers on people under 30 and Gay Rghts (from my admittedly biased viewpoint).
And reference the fact the US is a Federal Republic - I've posted on that, with generally negative commentary. Yes I know, and with reference to that need I remind you who was lynched so that finally Southern lychings were brought to the forefront of the public's knowledge. It was a Jew (and I won't even go into the names they were called, and this was under a century ago). And we still didn't get anti-lynching legislation for another half a century. So no, you don't need to remind me that we are a Republic. Do I need to remind you all the terrible things we have done under the aegis of State's Rights (which brings me right back to Native Americans - full circle).
BTW, did you go and read Bower vs Hardwick? I can polst that next, and then extend my irritating transpostion of Gay and Jew even further.