Yes, because what the experts said would happen didn't, and it is questionable that whether any of the improvements people said would have happened with more funding would have made a difference.
I suspect they would have helped, but not enough. Defending against storm surges is not the same as normal gradual flooding over time. For normal flooding you just need higher/thicker levees, for storm surges things like jetties and artificial sand bars act to raise the wave before it hits the beach so that it doesn't smack straight into the shore/levee. They would have strenghtened the levees themselves as well.
I suspect they would have helped, but not enough. Defending against storm surges is not the same as normal gradual flooding over time. For normal flooding you just need higher/thicker levees, for storm surges things like jetties and artificial sand bars act to raise the wave before it hits the beach so that it doesn't smack straight into the shore/levee. They would have strenghtened the levees themselves as well.