Originally posted by Sava
Actually, you have a point.
What I mean is, you are explaining why almost half the country is stupid. Because they are believing in this garbage. Yes, a picture of a few buses from the air. Nevermind the logistical fallacies of that argument, which I already pointed out.
Sorry Whoha, your propaganda doesn't work.
Bush is the one who has sucked the most in this whole disaster.
I'll quickly rehash the points about the buses...
not enough buses to move 100,000 in the time allotted... no drivers, no fuel, no effective plan for picking up and dropping off, no destination... they couldn't even have done it if they had a month to plan and rehearse it...
This little strawman about the buses doesn't even begin to excuse the massive failures of the Bush administration. FAILURE UPON FAILURE UPON FAILURE UPON FAILURE.
And probably tens of thousands of people are dead because of Bush's failure. That doesn't even take into account the despicable acts they perpetrated. The photo ops... the grounding of the rescue operations...
it's criminally negligent homicide.
And if America had any sense of moral justice, Bush would be hanging from a noose along Pennsylvania Ave... and every victim of this hurricane who lost a loved one because of his incompetence would be allowed to throw rocks at his flailing corpse.

Actually, you have a point.
What I mean is, you are explaining why almost half the country is stupid. Because they are believing in this garbage. Yes, a picture of a few buses from the air. Nevermind the logistical fallacies of that argument, which I already pointed out.
Sorry Whoha, your propaganda doesn't work.
Bush is the one who has sucked the most in this whole disaster.
I'll quickly rehash the points about the buses...
not enough buses to move 100,000 in the time allotted... no drivers, no fuel, no effective plan for picking up and dropping off, no destination... they couldn't even have done it if they had a month to plan and rehearse it...
This little strawman about the buses doesn't even begin to excuse the massive failures of the Bush administration. FAILURE UPON FAILURE UPON FAILURE UPON FAILURE.
And probably tens of thousands of people are dead because of Bush's failure. That doesn't even take into account the despicable acts they perpetrated. The photo ops... the grounding of the rescue operations...

it's criminally negligent homicide.
And if America had any sense of moral justice, Bush would be hanging from a noose along Pennsylvania Ave... and every victim of this hurricane who lost a loved one because of his incompetence would be allowed to throw rocks at his flailing corpse.

As to how many people could have been gotten out before hand, 400 Buses * 50 people * 72 Hours of concrete warning / 20 hours per trip out is a low ball of how many could get out before the Hurricane hit, it works out to 60 to 80 thousand. Jabbar Gibson managed to get out 100 people in his bus so those numbers can go up quite a bit.
And these buses would have also proved invaluable in the time after the Hurricane hit, but before the federal government could get additional buses in such as the 300 from Houston ISD that are coming in now.