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Gotta love cats...

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    • Originally posted by Guynemer
      Edgar pwns j00!
      What is that sorry thing doing in a thread about evolution's (or God's creation's) most succesfull creature? When my cat saw that picture passing by she looked at me like "are that the people you hang out with on the net??"
      Within weeks they'll be re-opening the shipyards
      And notifying the next of kin
      Once again...


      • That sorry thing could kick your cat's furry arse; he wouldn't, though, because he's a sweetheart.
        "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
        "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


        • okay, I got pics of teh cuteness...

          these are of Morty (teh orangee) and Mykos (teh siamese kitten)

          first, let me introduce Mykos...

          at first, Mykos and Morty did not get along, but they seem to have gotten used to each other

          this seems a bit dirty... I assure you, I am not running a kitty kiddie porn operation


          they do get along nicely

          they are quite inseperable now

          sorry for the pic flood, I really can't help myself

          ZOMFG!@ LOOK! GODZILLA!!!!

          this is Mykos sucking on my sister's fiance's eyeball... WHEN KITTENS ATTACK!!!

          To us, it is the BEAST.


          • /me melts.
            Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


            • Meeoooow
              With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

              Steven Weinberg


              • awwwwwwww
                I will never understand why some people on Apolyton find you so clever. You're predictable, mundane, and a google-whore and the most observant of us all know this. Your battles of "wits" rely on obscurity and whenever you fail to find something sufficiently obscure, like this, you just act like a 5 year old. Congratulations, molly.

                Asher on molly bloom


                • Mykos is currently staying at my house and is separated from Morty (who is staying with my sister's fiance's parents for the weekend). Our three cats don't really take too kindly to the little guy. They pretty much ignore him. It's funny though, Mykos wants to play with the big cats, especially Mali, for some reason. Mali is the biggest cat, BTW.

                  Tonight, while we were watching TV, Mykos was getting ready to pounce on Mali while Mali was laying down under our coffee table in the family room. Mali was awake and aware of Mykos, but didn't seem too concerned of the little guy. My mom, my dad and I were telling Mykos it was not a good idea, what with Mali being this monstrous "Godzilla" cat, and Mykos being a puny little kitten. Just before Mykos was about to pounce, my mom grabbed him so he wouldn't pounce on Mali (Mali probably wouldn't hurt the kitten, but just to be safe... our cats usually don't play with each other, and Mykos is used to playing with other cats)... so my mom is trying to keep Mykos occupied, but all Mykos is thinking about is pouncing on Mali...

                  so my mom is trying to get Mykos to lay down, without much success... he gets away from her and jumps down onto the floor again and prepares to pounce on Mali again... he wiggles his butt.... Mali still is laying down with his eyes open, looking at the kitten like "WTF is this little thing doing?"... my mom reaches down again and grabs him before Mykos can make a fatal mistake...

                  this time, the kitten forgets about pouncing on Mali... my mom gets him to stay on the couch with her... only instead of laying down, he starts going nuts and starts attacking the cover my mom is using. Usually cats will attack a cover if you move your feet or something... well this is strange, the kitten was attacking the cover, only my mom didn't move or anything.

                  So we're watching TV, and this kitten is going absolutely insane, running full speed across the couch attacking the cover for about 30 minutes, nonstop. He fell off the couch about 3 or 4 times, jumped back up and continued his assault. Finally, he wore himself out and fell asleep.

                  ahhhh... I love kittens

                  To us, it is the BEAST.


                  • I want a kitten

                    Jon Miller-
                    I AM.CANADIAN
                    GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                    • My sister found this and forwarded it to me. I haven't laughed this hard in a while though I admite this was partially due to the fact that growing up my family had a similiar beast of a cat.

                      So I have this cat.
                      Actually it’s my girlfriend’s cat.
                      Actually we have two, a small grey tabby named T**** that is a blast to have around, and the “other one”.
                      It’s corpulent, bright orange and has medium length hair, so of course to me it’s name has only ever been Fat Bastard.
                      (I’m not kidding, this cat is obese enough that it’s gut leaves it’s own trail in the middle of it’s footprints after I vacuum the carpet, uniformly triangulating the food dish, the litter box, and the hammock it has steamrollered for itself in my underwear hamper)
                      Fat Bastard has a problem.
                      It’s very existence revolves solely around consuming anything organic.
                      I mean anything.

                      We can’t have real plants anymore, not even cactus.
                      (My girlfriend didn’t laugh when I, tired of the green vomit, suggested Poinsettias)
                      We have all of the food stored in cupboards that have child locks on them.
                      Opening the fridge involves holding a broom.
                      (I’d love to teach the ****er a lesson by trapping it in there for a little bit, but beyond the cessation of all sexual activity when my girlfriend finds out, I’m pretty sure this thing is as well-insulated as a walrus and I’d only open the door and discover carnage, not to mention fuzzy rage propelling itself to freedom with one of it’s signature exertion farts)
                      We have a bungee cord holding the lid on the trash can, which also happens to be attached to the wall to prevent, as my girlfriend calls it, “accidental tipping”.
                      Ordering pizza involves trapping it in a bedroom, then listening to it scratch furiously at the door as soon as it gets a whiff of oregano.
                      It drinks pop.
                      We can’t walk away from the stove while preparing a meal, as even scalding hot pots and pans have proven no match for it’s powerful, powerful lust.
                      I love bacon, yet it’s become contraband since the “incident”.
                      (Which my girlfriend still somehow regards as my fault, as if I encouraged the ****ing thing to snatch sizzling bacon right out of the pan, headfirst, then tear-ass around the house alternating between muted howling and ragged, gasping swallows.)
                      It has, on a number of occasions, snarfed an entire pack of cigarettes.
                      Christ, this cat has eaten soap that smelled like melon.
                      It was entertaining at first, playing the “Let’s see what we can get in there” game, but when this ****ing beast blew right through wasabi, jalapenos, mustard, lemons, live grasshoppers, Skittles, and an extra-shot latte, I got the point.

                      I’m tired of having to treat simple food items like they’re plutonium.
                      I miss having a bag of chips or a cold pizza on the coffee table while I’m watching the game.
                      I’m fed up with having to wait to do laundry because the basement has been fouled by a particularly rank dump.

                      Enough is enough.

                      If you want her, she’s yours.
                      The girlfriend or the cat, it’s your call…
                      (Either way, you don’t even have to get out of the car; I’ll just unwrap a Kraft single and throw it in the backseat.)

                      Please, help a guy out…

                      · this is in or around the end of my rope
                      Try for discussion and debate.


                      • Oerdin

                        This morning, Mali was sitting on his favorite chair in the kitchen, and the kitten either wanted to play or wanted to sit on the chair. So the kitten is running around the chair jumping up trying to smack Mali. Mali is trying to ignore him. After a while, I could tell Mykos was really annoying Mali. So Mali gets defensive and starts trying to smack him back. Mali smacked him pretty good a few times, but the kitten was not deterred. Eventually, Mali got annoyed enough that he left. The kitten jumped and pulled himself onto the chair and proclaimed victory!
                        To us, it is the BEAST.


                        • Just got her last night. She's 1½ year old, her old family couldn't have her anymore

                          Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
                          Then why call him God? - Epicurus

