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So, got any election selectors?

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  • #16
    4. Father leave (on birth of a child) should be increased. (I think it is currently 4 weeks.)
    It's actually 5 weeks

    And hell yes it should be increased. Teh Christians say it should be 10 weeks. But I would rather burn in hell than vote for them. OK maybe not, but I really don't like that party.


    • #17
      But I would rather burn in hell than vote for them. OK maybe not, but I really don't like that party.

      that was very Dis-esque of you, Gangerolf.


      • #18
        I didn't know you were such a right wing elitist, Stefu
        Oh yeah!
        "Spirit merges with matter to sanctify the universe. Matter transcends to return to spirit. The interchangeability of matter and spirit means the starlit magic of the outermost life of our universe becomes the soul-light magic of the innermost life of our self." - Dennis Kucinich, candidate for the U. S. presidency
        "That’s the future of the Democratic Party: providing Republicans with a number of cute (but not that bright) comfort women." - Adam Yoshida, Canada's gift to the world


        • #19
          Arbeiderpartiet 44%

          Kristelig Folkeparti 39%

          Venstre 38%

          Høyre 36%

          Fremskrittspartiet 33%

          Sosialistisk Venstreparti 32%

          Rød Valgallianse 28%

          Senterpartiet 17%

          It seems I don't really agree much with any of them, but I already knew that. There are other parties too, but they're mostly silly single interest parties and don't stand a chance to get into parliament anyway, at least not from my constituency.


          • #20
            Rød Valgallianse 54%

            Sosialistisk Venstreparti 50%

            Venstre 50%

            Arbeiderpartiet 44%

            Senterpartiet 39%

            Kristelig Folkeparti 39%

            Høyre 25%

            Fremskrittspartiet 20%


            • #21
              Originally posted by Az
              15. More predators in the fauna!

              I wish we had this stuff for election issues.
              who wouldn't vote for a party that promised more predators in the fauna!
              "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

              "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton


              • #22

                Høyre 57%
                Fremskrittspartiet 55%
                Venstre 48%
                Arbeiderpartiet 32%
                Senterpartiet 31%
                Sosialistisk Venstreparti 30%
                Rød Valgallianse 28%
                Kristelig Folkeparti 23%

                "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

                "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton


                • #23
                  Originally posted by C0ckney
                  Fremskrittspartiet 55%
                  Fremskrittspartiet supporters eat small children


                  • #24
                    but do they support more predators in the fauna?
                    "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

                    "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton


                    • #25
                      they want to make it easier to get permission to go wolf hunting, so I guess they don't


                      • #26
                        The one from Aftenposten is a bit counter-intuitive with the numbers. I would expect the higher number to signal the highest level of agreement, not disagreement. And what has one's gender got to do with it!?

                        Anyway, not terribly surprising, here are the results of the Winstonian jury:

                        Edit: Took the survey again, this time using Tau Ceti's translation/explanations, which resulted in quite a different, and I would think more accurate, result. Senterpartiet moved way up through the ranks this time.

                        Fremskrittspartiet 	53%
                        Høyre                   52%
                        Senterpartiet		31%
                        Kristelig Folkeparti	31%
                        Venstre			27%
                        Rød Valgallianse	18%
                        Sosialist. Venstreparti	16%
                        Arbeiderpartiet		13%
                        I think the reason Rød Valgalliance didn't finish dead last is that I oppose commercials in school books.
                        Last edited by Winston; August 31, 2005, 12:01.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Az
                          15. More predators in the fauna!

                          I wish we had this stuff for election issues.
                          It would be absolutely beautiful in a US Presidential election. I can just see the debates now


                          • #28
                            Deutschlands führende Nachrichtenseite. Alles Wichtige aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Sport, Kultur, Wissenschaft, Technik und mehr.

                            The buttons from left to right: Agree, Neutral, Disagree

                            (my answers in brackets)

                            1. Speed limit on highways (yes, noone needs to go at 300 km/h)
                            2. Remove (loosen) dismissal protection (yes, it ties down our job market)
                            3. The planned exit from nuclear energy should be continued (neutral. on one hand, it came too early with no alternatives; on the other hand, if we return now we never know when or if we get a new chance to exit)
                            4. Lower petrol taxes (high gas prices, what's the reason?) (no, it's not taxes, it's the fault of the oil price and of mineral oil companies)
                            5. Turkey should be able to become a full EU member (not: should become) (yes, it should be an option. in a hundred of years. so I'm neutral)
                            6. Increase VAT (yes. you have more money left to spend for consumption, you pay more taxes)
                            7. There should be a minimum wage (yes, I think so)
                            8. Higher taxes for the top income class (yep)
                            9. Abolish "compulsory deposits for beverage containers" (you pay extra money fora can of beer but get it back when you return the empty can to the shop, new law since a few years) (no, the system is alright and decreases the amount of waste on our streets)
                            10. All citizens should pay for a general health insurance (so far state's employees and rich people don't, they have private healthcare or are cared for by the state for free (yes, to hell with private insurance and free healthcare for Beamte)
                            11. Germans living abroad should pay taxes in Germany (neutral, I have no clue how all that Schumacher stuff works or should work)
                            12. EU agrar subsidies should be decreased significantly (yes)
                            13. The common European defense policy should be strengthened (yes, this is where the agrar subsidies should go )
                            14. German coal subsidies should continue (no, to hell with the Ruhr kumpels)
                            15. The Bundeswehr (army) should be employed for domestic security tasks (so far they aren't, that's what the police is for) (no, see last bracket)
                            16. MPs should publicise their additional income sources (yes)
                            17. Every child should succeed in a language test before getting to school (yes)
                            18. The first studies (degree) should be free (uni charge planned, I know this seems ridiculous for most English and American people) (neutral. charges might help our unis more than they harm us students)
                            19. Education policy should be in the hands of the states exclusively (federalism vs. centralism) (no, it's too wishy washy)
                            20. [b]Government support for students should be granted without looking at the parents' income (no. no bafög for rich people)
                            21. The government should pay wage substitute during the first year of parenthood ("child raising vacation") (no, the employer should. of course this raises a lower chance for women to get employed for the reason of pregnancy risk... hmm...)
                            22. Woman should continuedly be allowed to abort during the first three months of pregnancy also without counselling/advise (yes. pro-choice my choice would always be pro life though )
                            23. All convicts should have a DNA fingerprint taken (yes, even if it seems a bit harsh for shoplifters)
                            24. Abolish conscription (yes)
                            25. More CCTV / surveillance of public places (yes)
                            26. Legal equalising of same gender partnerships (yes, in a sense that marriage be downgraded to a normal interhuman partnership)
                            27. For general elections: voting at age 16 (no, teens are stupid. 18 is fine)
                            28. Biometric data (fingerprints etc.) should be on ID (bloody hell no. maybe passports, but not ID)
                            29. Legalise hash/marijuana (yes, and then tax it to hell like we did with Alcopops)
                            30. Direct democracy (general votes) on federal level (so far only local and regional level) (no, people are stupid)

                            I turned out with a close SPD advance. I might vote Greenish though.
                            Last edited by Ecthy; August 31, 2005, 12:02.


                            • #29
                              They say I should vote FDP.

                              which I won't do, because Westerwelle is an asshat.


                              • #30
                                SPD 61 %
                                DIE LINKE.PDS 60 %
                                FDP 55 %
                                CDU/CSU 51 %
                                BÃœNDNIS 90/DIE GRÃœNEN 51 %

                                PDS in 2nd place?
                                Why can't you be a non-conformist just like everybody else?

                                It's no good (from an evolutionary point of view) to have the physique of Tarzan if you have the sex drive of a philosopher. -- Michael Ruse
                                The Nedaverse I can accept, but not the Berzaverse. There can only be so many alternate realities. -- Elok

