nothing against the English. But I already know about all them. As they are essentually part of the U.S. anyways
. There's so much cross-culture between our nations. At least with regards to music. But we don't hear enough european stuff.
I have this one song on my hard drive by a band called Samael. Anyone ever hear of them? I'm not sure who they are, I just downloaded a song randomly. The song is called Baphomet's throne. I like the violens and I think horns I hear in the background.
What I'm really looking for is metal with classical instruments along with the usual distorted electric guitars. As I like classical music as well. But you don't find americans brave enough to be different. All these asswipes sound the same. I hate nu metal in the U.S. I want to hear stuff from bands willing to take a chance and sound different.

I have this one song on my hard drive by a band called Samael. Anyone ever hear of them? I'm not sure who they are, I just downloaded a song randomly. The song is called Baphomet's throne. I like the violens and I think horns I hear in the background.
What I'm really looking for is metal with classical instruments along with the usual distorted electric guitars. As I like classical music as well. But you don't find americans brave enough to be different. All these asswipes sound the same. I hate nu metal in the U.S. I want to hear stuff from bands willing to take a chance and sound different.