No - I think their service in the Navy is good enough, Drake - as usual you parse and distort, cut out pertinent sections are only ask leading "Have you stopped beating your wife" questions.
My actual statement was
The option is there. If they are gung-ho (you DO understand what gung-ho means, sort of like certain armchair rah-rah types here) over Iraq - and I only know of one of our navy people I am sure is as gung-ho as you are - then that person has this option, and in fact their own service, the Navy, is ENCOURAGING it, and will reward them if they do. If they do not exercise this option, with it's encouragement, and rewards - again, based on those actions one can draw one's own conclusions.
By the way, have YOU made contributions to the fund being raised by army families to make sure that all the troops have body army, etc? Have you voted for higher taxes, or at least called your representatives (I am not sure if you are a US expat, I am assuming that) to encourage them, that are totally earmarked for our military. Maybe a 1% "for the troops" surcharge? Hippocracy takes many forms.
And since I know how your typical response/attack mode works - I have done volunteer work with both handicapped and abused children, both of which are very dear to me. I also looked into the Guard but there were problems, including my 13 plus diopter correction, plus 2.25 diopter astigmatism. Look up diopter if you don't understand the problem.
My actual statement was
...- and I also repeat, any of them that are gung-ho about Iraq could redeploy as Corpman, the Navy has a big push for that. Just a thought.
The option is there. If they are gung-ho (you DO understand what gung-ho means, sort of like certain armchair rah-rah types here) over Iraq - and I only know of one of our navy people I am sure is as gung-ho as you are - then that person has this option, and in fact their own service, the Navy, is ENCOURAGING it, and will reward them if they do. If they do not exercise this option, with it's encouragement, and rewards - again, based on those actions one can draw one's own conclusions.
By the way, have YOU made contributions to the fund being raised by army families to make sure that all the troops have body army, etc? Have you voted for higher taxes, or at least called your representatives (I am not sure if you are a US expat, I am assuming that) to encourage them, that are totally earmarked for our military. Maybe a 1% "for the troops" surcharge? Hippocracy takes many forms.
And since I know how your typical response/attack mode works - I have done volunteer work with both handicapped and abused children, both of which are very dear to me. I also looked into the Guard but there were problems, including my 13 plus diopter correction, plus 2.25 diopter astigmatism. Look up diopter if you don't understand the problem.