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Anybody heard from Japher?

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  • Anybody heard from Japher?

    New kid, new job, cross-country move - no wonder he hasn't been here for about a month. But that doesn't mean that he's been totally out of the loop - anybody know how he's doing?

  • #2
    Are you really user #666?
    Long time member @ Apolyton
    Civilization player since the dawn of time


    • #3


      • #4
        That avatar, that's JohnT as a baby. Look at the EYES man, the EYES!!?!
        Long time member @ Apolyton
        Civilization player since the dawn of time


        • #5
          That's JohnT? I thought it was Sophie ...

          Anyway, not, I haven't heard of Japher.
          Why can't you be a non-conformist just like everybody else?

          It's no good (from an evolutionary point of view) to have the physique of Tarzan if you have the sex drive of a philosopher. -- Michael Ruse
          The Nedaverse I can accept, but not the Berzaverse. There can only be so many alternate realities. -- Elok


          • #6
            It's not possible for a person named 'Sophie' to have eyes like that. 'Vicky' maybe...
            Long time member @ Apolyton
            Civilization player since the dawn of time


            • #7
              I was the one who alerted JohnT to his user number. I'm responsible.

              No, haven't heard anything about Japher. Are you saying we're at the point where a total forum panic is justified?


              • #8
                Total forum panic is always justified.

                Yes, my user number is 666. BOW BEFORE MY WRATH!!!!!

                Naw, I'm just wondering how things are going with him. With all that is happening, this is likely one of the more stressful times of his life and I wanted him to know that we didn't forget ol'... you know... the guy I made this thread about. Jaguar?


                • #9
                  Got it.

                  Let's all think of Jabber and hope he's all right, and that his move across the Kalahari went well.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by JohnT
                    Yes, my user number is 666. BOW BEFORE MY WRATH!!!!!
                    How about I roast some marshmallows over the flames instead?
                    Why can't you be a non-conformist just like everybody else?

                    It's no good (from an evolutionary point of view) to have the physique of Tarzan if you have the sex drive of a philosopher. -- Michael Ruse
                    The Nedaverse I can accept, but not the Berzaverse. There can only be so many alternate realities. -- Elok


                    • #11
                      Isnt this about the time he was supposed to be moving? I remeber him saying he was moving in july just dont know the exact date.
                      When you find yourself arguing with an idiot, you might want to rethink who the idiot really is.
                      "It can't rain all the time"-Eric Draven
                      Being dyslexic is hard work. I don't even try anymore.


                      • #12
                        Japher is one of the more decent people in this God forsaken Hell-hole.

                        Go get them, Japher!
                        Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
                        "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
                        He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


                        • #13
                          Go Go Gophers!
                          "Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson

                          “In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter


                          • #14
                            I think I saw him post a few days ago. Don't really remember what though. Still has the monkey avatar, right?

                            Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
                            Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
                            *****Citizen of the Hive****
                            "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


                            • #15
                              We were trying to set up a meeting near San Jose, but it is not going to happen. Japher is moving this weekend and will be in Cincinnati this Sun.
                              “It is no use trying to 'see through' first principles. If you see through everything, then everything is transparent. But a wholly transparent world is an invisible world. To 'see through' all things is the same as not to see.”

                              ― C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man

