Yes, real 'schooled'. The Supreme Court of the US says that the statute in question only applies when there is a clear and present danger to the government:
The rule we deduce from these cases is that where an offense is specified by a statute in nonspeech or nonpress terms, a conviction relying upon speech or press as evidence of violation may be sustained only when the speech or publication created a "clear and present danger" of attempting or accomplishing the prohibited crime
And we stated, "[The First] Amendment requires that one be permitted to believe what he will. It requires that one be permitted to advocate what he will unless there is a clear and present danger that a substantial public evil will result therefrom." 339 U.S. at 412.
From the second quote, you can see simply advocating overthrow has not been a crime in the US since, at least, 1951. Has your court countananced your sedition provision with similar language? Obviously the Canadian police do not believe it to be fair to apply to groups like those in the OP, but are they simply engaging in the police veto?
I guess that is what happens when a Canadian fails to realize that all US law is a product of all 3 branches and must be read in the context of judicial precedent.