I read a lengthy article about it around the mid-90's, not sure if it was about Cargolifter. I think that company came to the fore later on.
There may be a small fleet of them, but that doesn't mean a lot. There's still commercial use of horses as well for instance.
The biggest reason that I'm sceptical is that the basic technology of airships have been around for quite some time already, and while it might make economic sense by utilising modern technology to the maximum, there not be a lot of scope for further improvements.
I don't see one would transport cargo at slow speed with fairly small capacity if you got massive bulk carriers around. And cargo transported by plane generally is time-sensitive which also discounts airships.
There may be some small niches around where they're economically viable but it's not going to amount to much.
There may be a small fleet of them, but that doesn't mean a lot. There's still commercial use of horses as well for instance.
The biggest reason that I'm sceptical is that the basic technology of airships have been around for quite some time already, and while it might make economic sense by utilising modern technology to the maximum, there not be a lot of scope for further improvements.
I don't see one would transport cargo at slow speed with fairly small capacity if you got massive bulk carriers around. And cargo transported by plane generally is time-sensitive which also discounts airships.
There may be some small niches around where they're economically viable but it's not going to amount to much.