I did answer your question as to whether or not United States was a republic by pointing out the difference between the American Revolution and the secession of the Southern states in 1860. The Founding fathers based a republic form of government on the premise of equal rights and liberty -- the Confederacy was not based on this antecedental premise.
The Confederacy based their rights and liberty on the same class of people who had rights and liberty in the US in 1859. Was the US in 1859 not a republic?
But how does this necessarily lead to the conclusion that because radical Republicans were more strongly anti-racist, that Lincoln could not have been anti-racist because he was more moderate? The fact that Lincoln was more moderate does not necessarily equate with being racist.
No one was arguing that Lincoln was a racist! What I am saying is that Lincoln was not this ultra forward looking visionary that you seem to deify him as. And he was more interested in united the Union than anything to do with race.
And most of his race pronouncements as President was for oolitical ends. It was to galvanize slaves in the South or keep the Brits and French away.
I don't see how any of that = Lincoln was a racist.