High tax cuts for the rich meant less money from federal grants to state goverments for state run programs....
Programs(which include things like education!) once started NEVER dissapear so state goverments need to make up the revenue so state goverment and local community goverments.... say it with me.... so they RAISE taxes.... which come out of you wallet, John Q American.
When I try to explain this to people I don't get any sort of rebbutal, I just get a blank stare or "No... that can't be" without any sort of logical rebbutal.
Programs(which include things like education!) once started NEVER dissapear so state goverments need to make up the revenue so state goverment and local community goverments.... say it with me.... so they RAISE taxes.... which come out of you wallet, John Q American.
When I try to explain this to people I don't get any sort of rebbutal, I just get a blank stare or "No... that can't be" without any sort of logical rebbutal.