Originally posted by Ned
Whatever history this country had in supporting "dictators," I assure you it was bi-partisan.
Whatever history this country had in supporting "dictators," I assure you it was bi-partisan.
But the real goal of the left is to protect jobs. To the extent they are successful, they doom the companies that cannot stay competitive on costs to extinction. That is what is now happening to GM.
I admit that the unions have taken too much in some areas. Many unions are taking steps to rectify this, taking pay cuts and cutting some benefits to ensure that the companies stay competative enough to keep their employment. There's no doubt that the US needs to keep flexible to compete, but it's foolish to allow the complete destruction of our industrial base. Not only does that weaken us strategically, it also creates a displaced former working class, a class that now simply becomes low class.
This displaced, hopeless class will be the albatross around our country's neck, because its members will turn to crime, drugs, and welfare for survival. Gone are the days that the majority of people could find a decent job without a college degree. Many people simply aren't academic; with the death of industry, these people are shunted into service fields. Some luck out and get good jobs; most do not. Health insurance provides a good illustration about the degredation of the working class into simply low class. The reason that health insurance coverage is inadequate is because industrial jobs that provided health insurance have been replaced by service jobs without benefits. These low class people then either have to depend on the government for a handout to pay their health costs or go without. Loss of jobs creates more and more government dependents.
You are supposedly conservative. (I'd simply call you Republican. People think that Republicans are far right, but they're really only center-right... anyway, I'm digressing) As a conservative, how can you, in good conscious, support economic policy that increases dependence on government handouts? (I guess you do so in the same way that you enthuisiastically support sinking $500 Billion into Iraq. I find it funny that you support that, yet you'd probably march on Washington if we spent $500 Billion to improve our own country's infrastructure.) You seem to put hatred for unions over love of country. You're the type of "conservative" that I hate, the ones that are patriotic everywhere but the wallet. That sentiment is the primary reason I (and many other right wingers) will never vote for the Republicans. They put the interests of Wall Street over the interests of the common citizen.