Originally posted by Odin
I am a socialist, but not really of the Marxist type. My brand of socialism retains the market, but the bussiness are co-ops, with the money for investing comming from government-run banks. The problem with Soviet-style Communism was the assuption that one could change human nature.
I am a socialist, but not really of the Marxist type. My brand of socialism retains the market, but the bussiness are co-ops, with the money for investing comming from government-run banks. The problem with Soviet-style Communism was the assuption that one could change human nature.
Many of our beliefs that we consider to be "natural" are in fact cultural constructions and nothing more. The example of free will and responsibility is a good example of a cultural concept that does not cohere with our best knowledge of the way the world works – yet people still believe it and think that free will is natural.