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Canpol: Election Imminent?

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  • Have been reading the news up until our Canadian politics' version of Paris Hilton sold her ass to the pseudo conservatives. What happened now? Did the confidence vote pass by 1???

    and seriously aggy.. how old are you? Grow the f* up. Wow.


    • Dead even. The Speaker cast his tie breaker for the government.
      (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


      • Too bad, although exciting stuff for Canadian politics. At least SOMETHING is happening to threaten the Liberals, in comparison to the last decade (or more). So from here.. think Martin will still call an election within a month of the Gomery findings? Will it matter by then, or will Ontario have forgotten?

        Partial shame, partial blessing. The country really needs to wake up to how unbelievably complacent and ineffective our government has become - yet I just can't shake feeling that progress is being made. In any case, this nation simply NEEDS a new government to shake intentions of the old. A good 6 year conservative reign followed by a return of a re-vamped, more accountable Liberal infrastructure could do wonders for our well being.

        Hell, I'd even now prefer a 4 year stint of the bloody NDPs just to shake up the old institution.

        P.S. - Stronach needs to be sexually assaulted


        • doesn't she?





          • Martin has no choice about an election next spring. His government survives on votes he has no control over.

            That timing could be a real pickle for him. The opposition parties all know the window of when the vote will be called. They can preregister their guns, so to speak.

            Will Ontario forget? I can't bring myself to believe they would. It might be fun to throw barbs around, but I can't believe that the worst scandal in Canadian history will not register at the polls, even in the heart of Toronto.
            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


            • Re: doesn't she?

              Originally posted by Zylka


              That might be a little extreme. Martin, on the other hand, should be consigned to a pit full of deprived sodomists.
              (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


              • ... and have a load of viagra dumped in on him.
                (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                • NYE - Yeah, Paul and his merry band of whores, liars and thieves has been exposed for who they are but with 30% + still willing to vote for him now combined with the fact that most people can't care about something (other then hockey) for more then a week before forgetting about it (just look at the polls) not to mention the time he now has to buy some more votes with federal me it all adds up to a Liberal majority when the election finally comes down. I simply don't think Canadians (or more specifically, people from Ontario) are bright enough for there to be any other outcome - especially after listening to talk shows and reading newspapers for the past two or three months. If they had of forced an election now they might have held Martin to another minority but with no election until fall or winter, unless he gets caught diddling little boys wearing a french maids uniform it will be almost impossible to keep that majority from his slimey grasp (of course, I would like to be proven wrong....but I would also like to see pigs fly).

                  Ben - although I agree that you seem like a nice guy, I have to question your wisdom asserting Belinda will lose her seat in the next election. Although I don't think it will be a coronation by any means, I would be surprised if she won by less then 1,500 votes for a number of reasons. But I really would love to be wrong on this one.

                  Slightly off topic, what happened with the B.C. election and the question regarding moving away from the first-past-the-post elections?
                  If at first you don't succeed, take the bloody hint and give up.


                  • The STV vote is/was very close. I haven't found anything either way.
                    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                    • The referendum got a majority in most of the ridings, but it didn't get a 60% majority across the province needed to pass. It did come very, very close.
                      Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


                      • 57% voted for it. The measure required 60% to win.

                        However, some have made some good points along the lines that if BC retains the old system, they will go to the polls with a system supported by less than half of voters. Eek.
                        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                        • I simply don't think Canadians (or more specifically, people from Ontario) are bright enough for there to be any other outcome

                          And people wonder why I think it's funny.
                          Only feebs vote.


                          • Results showed that 57.4 per cent of people want the single transferable vote -- or STV -- where voters could rank multiple candidates in newly marked ridings with two to seven legislature members.

                            The required number was 60 per cent, as recommended by the legislature.

                            Julian West, a proponent for the Yes side, said 60 per cent was too high a hurdle to clear and that voters have sent a message that the government should listen to.

                            Premier Gordon Campbell said he senses voters want some kind of change and that the legislature might consider it after all the votes are counted.

                            "I do think, though, that citizens have been pretty clear that there's a fairly strong mandate there for electoral reform to take place," Campbell said. "There's clearly some hunger to see an improvement."

                            Doesn't sound truely decided, yet.
                            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                            • Originally posted by Agathon
                              I simply don't think Canadians (or more specifically, people from Ontario) are bright enough for there to be any other outcome

                              And people wonder why I think it's funny.
                              No - I think people wonder why you post here when you've got nothing substantive to offer beyond "conservatives are stupid, liberals are smart".

                              Was 60% the target set for this question or is 60% the normal threshold for questions on the ballot? Are people upset that it didn't pass or is it more of a case of "we'll get it next time"?

                              Edit - posted before I saw the above article.
                              If at first you don't succeed, take the bloody hint and give up.


                              • No - I think people wonder why you post here when you've got nothing substantive to offer beyond "conservatives are stupid, liberals are smart"

                                Well they are given the last couple of weeks' performance. You'd have to be a complete moron to be outwitted by Paul Martin.
                                Only feebs vote.

