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Underestimate Thomas At Your Own Peril

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Drake Tungsten
    I'm from Nebraska. It's impossible for me to be a snob considering that Nebraskans a) have no taste and b) are superior to no one. It's a sad fate, I must admit, but I've learned to deal with it.
    Being a snob doesn't require any such thing. All it requires is having contempt for those with different tastes. You and Agathon have that going in spades.
    Tutto nel mondo è burla


    • #92
      Being a snob doesn't require any such thing.

      Originally posted by Boris Gudonov
      You don't think it's bad to be "smugly superior about one's own tastes and interests" or be someone who has "contempt for those whom he considers his inferiors?"

      I used your own definition. Is it really that hard to remember what you posted mere minutes ago? No wonder you can't remember your own snobbery...


      • #93
        Asher, PM me if you have it in something other than WMA.

        "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

        Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005


        • #94
          The album is cross-posted in five different Usenet newsgroups in MP3-format. Otherwise, you know how to find me


          • #95
            Originally posted by Agathon
            I maintain that you must really hate music, if you are prepared to give Rob Thomas a pass. To all true music lovers it is a crime that he lives and breathes. Well, perhaps I'd settle for him being on a respirator.

            Besides, this is Asher's thread and my responses are tame compared to his usual response to the musical tastes of others, so stop trying to prevent trolling fun.
            I think this is what it comes down to...I get as much grief off Asher although it is definitely a two-way thing

            Now Rob Thomas or Matchbox 20...I can extrapolate between the two and know it is really not going to get me going.

            The band who I really cannot abide on Asher's ' list' is Maroon 5...and I've heard them enough on the radio. I feel like clawing my cochleas out whenever they come on. So inoffensive they are offensive, and dull...oh my f**king god...
            Speaking of Erith:

            "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


            • #96
              boybands......and their hellspawn children

              real music with balls!

              'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

              Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


              • #97
                Originally posted by Drake Tungsten
                I used your own definition. Is it really that hard to remember what you posted mere minutes ago? No wonder you can't remember your own snobbery...
                You admitted to being a snob earlier and now are trying to deny it. So who can't remember what they posted earlier?

                Regardless, you still fit the definition. By accusing others of being snobs just based on their particular preferences, you're being "smugly superior" about your own tastes by default. Ergo, snobbery.

                Thank you, come again.
                Tutto nel mondo è burla


                • #98
                  where's wesley - come say hello to your pretentious cousin

                  (its a pretty bad - 'oh i'm so deep' kinda picture though - its not the album cover is it.......? )
                  Attached Files
                  'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

                  Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


                  • #99
                    Yeah, I'm sure you'll provide an example of such. Go ahead. And of course, there's just another baseless insult from you.

                    Crying are we? I'm not going to waste my time trolling through the archives looking for your old posts.

                    I'll just wait until next time you do it. Shouldn't be long...

                    I've never "slagged" your tastes in music. What would I slag?

                    See... already.

                    On the contrary, you constantly (and to a tiresome level) see fit to insult my musical tastes at every opportunity, unbidden. If it's not a Brahms quip, it's an oh-so-witty Bruckner put-down (I especially loved your wonderfully amusing anecdote of the witty "Mahler Good, Bruckner Bad" motto. However did anyone think of that saying?).

                    Perhaps it's because you start squealing like a scalded cat, and start posting purple prose in defence of your heroes, which you regard as proving your point -- even though it doesn't since language is not really adequate to describe music properly. But that's another thread.

                    Frankly, I find Brahms to be a pedestrian soul, and I've honestly tried to appreciate his music. But there's just nothing there.

                    You then even had the nerve to falsely accuse me of hating Wagner once, and I have no idea where that came from.

                    Your own comments about him I should think.

                    Coming from you, this is rich. Why don't we put up an "arrogant snob" poll and see whom folks think of is the most smug on Apolyton. I'm willing to bet you win over anyone else on this board by a landslide.

                    Smug about what? Sure, I'm a misanthrope.. but you can't honestly tell me you've missed the heavy irony in most of my "elitist" rants (including in this thread).

                    Jesus... you're like the guy who jumps up on stage to save Desdemona.

                    The band who I really cannot abide on Asher's ' list' is Maroon 5...and I've heard them enough on the radio. I feel like clawing my cochleas out whenever they come on. So inoffensive they are offensive, and dull...oh my f**king god...

                    Only feebs vote.


                    • I'll reserve judgement... till I hear it. Someone said you could hear snippets online... Where?


                      • I bet Asher just thinks he's cute. He just wants to "hit it".

                        Or...."get hit"

                        -Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.


                        • Originally posted by Az
                          I'll reserve judgement... till I hear it. Someone said you could hear snippets online... Where?
                          Click on the Amazon link in Asher's first post.


                          • Originally posted by Agathon
                            Crying are we? I'm not going to waste my time trolling through the archives looking for your old posts.
                            Nope, just pointing out you're full of ****. I'd think, were I such an obvious snob, you could find one such example without having to "troll" the archives.

                            I'll just wait until next time you do it. Shouldn't be long...

                            See... already.
                            You totally misunderstood what I was saying. I meant "what would I slag" in the sense that there's nothing I see wrong with your musical tastes, as when it comes to classical music, we tend to like a lot of the same things, if for different reasons. I've never, ever said your taste in music sucks. You, however, can't help yourself but to attack the tastes of others. I can't imagine being as insecure as you are about music--it's so sad.

                            Perhaps it's because you start squealing like a scalded cat, and start posting purple prose in defence of your heroes, which you regard as proving your point -- even though it doesn't since language is not really adequate to describe music properly. But that's another thread.
                            Another gross exaggeration on your part. You're so disingenuous. I will endeavor to defend what I like against attacks, sure. And then you just characterize it as "squealing" because you can't handle people disagreeing with your lofty opinion. That's because you're a total snob.

                            Frankly, I find Brahms to be a pedestrian soul, and I've honestly tried to appreciate his music. But there's just nothing there.
                            That's fine if you feel that way. But that's not where you stop. You go about saying people who like Brahms, or Bruckner, or Bernstein, have bad taste and are inferior to your musical greatness. That's the line that's being crossed into snobbery. Look what you said in this thread about my liking Bernstein as a Mahler conductor--you attacked me and my view of music instead of leaving it at criticizing the particular interpretation. I've never done that to you or anyone else.

                            I'll criticize specific music and composers or conductors based on my own taste, but I don't go around saying people who like those things are somehow inferior. You do that all the time.

                            Your own comments about him I should think.
                            Such as? I suspect you'll cop out again with this.

                            I like Wagner, I just don't worship him. I know that's an affront to your musical highness, but that's how it is. I have a complete Ring Cycle as well as recordings of Dutchman, Meistersinger and Tristan. How could I hate him if I listen to him? I had the pleasure of seeing James Morris and Paul Plishka in Dutchman in Baltimore, one of the highlights of the opera performances I've attended.

                            Smug about what? Sure, I'm a misanthrope.. but you can't honestly tell me you've missed the heavy irony in most of my "elitist" rants (including in this thread).

                            Jesus... you're like the guy who jumps up on stage to save Desdemona.
                            I don't think it's so ironic. I think it's truth, you're just trying to mask it as irony because you know everyone thinks you're an elitist boor.
                            Tutto nel mondo è burla


                            • At least I'm not a girly ponce.

                              More to the point a girly ponce who can't admit he's a snob.
                              Only feebs vote.


                              • Nowhere near as talented as good ol' Bill Shatner.

